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"Look at them," Jiaying growled, glaring across the yard from the 4PM Club's designated table. Sure enough, in the distance was the Wynter Legion, huddled together, discussing their plans for ruining Cytro.

Beck shook her head. "They're loud. I can hear them from here."

"The whole school can hear them," Priya said. She looked around at her fellow admins and the rest of the Club. Or what remained of it, anyway. Once again, there were significantly fewer students today than the day before. But so too were there fewer of the Legion.

"Alright, we need a plan," Diego said. "I spoke to Zack earlier. Hunter wouldn't tell him much, but he's definitely working on something big for Saturday."

"Great," Sophie sighed. "Well, like I said, I won't be logging in, but I want to help in any way I can. We need to end this. Today."

"Agreed," Jiaying said. "But we're no closer to finding a way. Beck and I thought about it all night. Honestly, we have no idea what to do. The best I can think of is that we just let them do what they want and we don't get involved. Logging in is optional anyway."

"Which is completely unfair," Sophie fired back. "I know it's the most peaceful solution, but I don't think we should just back down here and let them win."

"Exactly," someone in the crowd added. "I'm not letting them have their way just because they're stubborn."

"What else do you suggest though?" Priya asked. "Seriously, if anyone has an idea, please tell us now."

"Just tell the school," a boy called out.

"Don't do that," someone else said. "If the school knows then we can't do anything in Cytro. Not even the gravity thing."

Jiaying looked at the two students in question. "We can't have it both ways. Cytro will either have to go back to the way it was, or it stays as it is. If Hunter can't change the code, then neither can we."

Priya nodded. "She's right. There's no in-between here. We either live with the old, boring Cytro, or we keep it as it is, or we find a way to compromise with Hunter where we can be reasonable with the code."

"There's no compromising," Sophie groaned. "We all know he won't listen. I'm with him," she said, pointing to a boy nearby. "Let's just get it over with and tell the school."

"We can't," Diego reminded her. "We went over this yesterday. If the school finds out, we're done for."

"You mean you're done for. We didn't do anything wrong."

Beck frowned. "There's no guarantee you won't be punished. You logged in too. The academy might expel everyone who used it."

"I doubt that," Sophie laughed. "That's a lot of people, and a lot of business they'd be losing."

Priya held her hands up. "Look, we're all on the same side here. I know telling the school seems like the obvious solution, but I don't want to get in trouble for what we've done. It wouldn't be fair."

"I know. But you have to look at this from our perspective. We didn't do anything wrong at all, and now we're being punished. I know it's easier said than done, but I really think you should just tell the school."

"Ugh, do you hear yourself?" a senior named Lauren growled. "You're complaining about Cytro, but you probably haven't logged in for like two years anyway. And you just said a minute ago you won't be logging in anymore. So what do you care?"

Sophie opened her mouth to protest but the words never came. Lauren had a point, and she knew it.

"No one's telling the school," Lauren continued. "These guys haven't done anything wrong," she said, pointing to the three admins. "It wouldn't be fair if they got expelled. Do you know how much this stupid school costs?"

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