Chapter 1: The Beginning

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50 years later.....

(Kiya's POV)

I've been running from some wolves for about an hour now and I'm beginning to get a little bit tired and that's not a good thing seeing as there's about 12 or so wolves chasing me right about now so before I get too tired to even stand I spread my wings, (that's right I've got wings though unfortunately they just grew in a few months ago so I can't fly for very long yet) and after what seems like an hour I get to a high enough branch then I open my pack and grab a spell tome out, quickly search through it, and seeing that there's no spells in there that can help in this situation ,unless I want to start a forest fire that is, I scream (insert profanity of your choice here)  H**l in frustration and decide that the only way that I'm going to get out of this cluster f**k of mammoth proportions is if I pray to the ten divines and hope they answer. "Auriel, parton God of my people the fidorians God of the sun I humblely ask you for aid for as you may see I'm without any escape so I pray to you for your help and if I die I ask that you grant me the afterlife so I may see my parents again! Amen"
As the hours go on I begin to lose hope when suddenly 6 rangers ride up on horseback and chase the wolves away. Then they call out "anyone out Here?" "Up here."  I say weakly. And as they look up they gasp as I fall out of the tree and barely in time do they catch me.

      5 days later......
As I come to I see a lot of people surrounding my cot and as I look at myself I say "who put me in this thrice blasted dress?" "I did my lady." A priestess replied. "Why?" I respond. "Because you are a nidirwalir rider my lady and I thought that you would enjoy being in a dress." The priestess said to me. "Well thank you for the kind thought though in the future I prefer to be in a man's attire." "Very well milady." The priestess said. As I start to get up I suddenly feel all dizzy and quickly sit on, what I now realize to be a very nice stone floor, and put my head between my legs. Then after I feel better I stand up look around and see on a chair a nice embroidered bra, a pair of cloth underthings, fine pants, a fine undershirt and a chainmail over shirt.

After I change my clothes I go to open the door and a servant comes in and nearly runs right into me. "Watch it man, ya nearly knocked me over!!" "My sincerest apologies milady, I humbly ask that you forgive my clumsiness and please don't tell anyone or I'll surely get another beating!!" The servant cried. "It's fine and what's up with the beatings, last I checked it was against the law for a servant to get beaten?" I asked. "The head steward makes sure no one notices that the servants that he does beat have any marks on them after he's done with them." The servant replies. "What's your name?" I ask. "Alex my lady." "Well Alex, how'd you like to be my squire and travel with me?" I asked. "Truly you'd do that for me?" Alex asked. "Truly." I replied. "Then yes, yes, YES!!!" Alex said. As Alex says this the head steward bursts into the room and shouts,

"I demand to know what's going on here, where have you been Alex." As he says this he tries to slap Alex but I catch his hand and say " I think not, thee will no longer beat the servants for that is against the law and as a nidirwalir rider I hereby place you under arrest." I say loudly.
    5 hours later......
"By the power vested in me and by the evidence provided by this young rider and her squire Alex formally a palace servant. I, High Queen Kenna Rys Amelia Herondale hereby sentence the former head steward Jay Miller to 20 years in the palace dungeons for assault." High Queen Jenna declared. "And now where do you plan to go young Kiya?" The High Queen Asked. "The gods are leading me to the Empire on Tamrial your highness." I replied. "Then I will send you with 100 members of the blades and the best arms and armor that I can provide!" The High Queen said. "I thank you my queen and no matter what happens I will not fail the gods!!" I say proudly. " Then go and may the blessings of Auriel go with you." The High queen said.

     End of Chapter one

The 4th Imperial Empire book 1. The Beginning.         (A Skyrim Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now