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On my way out I heard a loud noise coming from behind the building, I followed it without hesitation.

I saw a sea of black.

They were all chanting at something I guess. I moved forward trying to get a better look of what's happening, there was a huge metal pipe that stood at the length of the building and someone was climbing it?

So that's what's it all about, some dude climbing a 50 feet pipe? I could do better.

As the boy reached the top he glanced down. " 63.55 seconds David!" Another boy who was holding a timer yelled.

"Wish I could say not bad, but it is" I earned a couple of laughs and chuckles. Some where looking around trying to find the source of the voice.

A dauntless girl locked eyes with me" what a stiff like you doing in someplace like here?" She spoke as if she is talking to a toddler.

"And who the fuck are you to speak to my brother like that?" The bitched faced bitch said.

" Well I am sure a turtle can climb faster than your brother" I folded my arms, now every dauntless is looking at me. Good.

"Well smart mouth why don't you show us how it's done?" Another guy with blond hair said.
I chuckled. " why not, egg head?" I earned a few "ohh" from the crowd.

I made my way to the pipe.
" Whenever you're ready stiff" the guy with the timer said . I placed my hands on the pipe and waited for him to make his call.

I climbed easily and very fast, finally years of sneaking in and out of the window have it's benefits.

I reached the top and looked down. Shocked faces were everywhere. I am sure everyone thought I will cower back to my mommy, hehe hell no.
"13.41 seconds" and cheers erupted after him. I slided down with ease

"Well, I am impressed, you broke the record_ the highest one was 15.09 seconds" the guy with timer said.

" I am Colton by the way"

"Clary" I shook his hand politely before jogging down to the bus stop.

Ohh I can't wait till I go to dauntless.

After the bus ride.
I opened the door, trying to make as little sound as possible,but when I turned around my parents were already behind me.

"Mother. Father," I acknowledge there presence nodding my head slightly.

"What did you get?" Mom swayed her hand in the air lazily. They didn't even care to greet me. Rude.

"Abnegation, it's where I have always been and always will be" I told them with the best smile I can fake . I don't need to get beat up before the choosing ceremony, not gonna let them ruin this for me too.

Next morning.

I jotted out of bed. Finally the choosing ceremony, my chance to be free without my parents abuse.

I slided to my knees and got the box under the bed. I quickly opened it and snatched the black pants and white shirt.

I get in them quickly afraid the door would bust open any second. I then wore my baggy abnegation dress. The cloth aren't even visible.

I sighted and walked downstairs. "Good morning" I said politely. my dad looked up from his newspaper and gave me a bored look.

" You know what will happen if you  choose another faction... I promise you I will kill you myself" I gulped they always threaten me, but knowing I am actually going to another faction and they told me not to, made the pit in my stomach twist.


Fuck hate it. It makes me vulnerable.

"Ofcours father.. I am not stupid" clenching my hands behind my back,actullay they are the stupid one. Did they actually think I will stay? Dumb and Dumber.

I finished my breakfast faster than usual, eager to get out of this house once and for all.

" I am leaving" I yelled. No answer. Why did I even bother, I took one last look at my parents I am  not gonna miss them and I doubt they will ever will miss me.

I wish things were different.

At the choosing ceremony.

I took a seat on the third row. I have been sitting there for about 20 minutes.

Finally, Jeanine Mathew erudite leader, came to the stage and begin her scripted shitty speech that hasn't been updated for a century.

They begin calling out the names since mine starts with "k" as in King, I think I will be sitting for a while.

" Peter Hayes" an olived skin boy with fluffy brown hair came into view, he was wearing black jeans with white jacket. Candor. He took the knife and sliced his palm and placed on the dauntless bowl.

" Dauntless" Cheers erupted from the right side of the room, while other factions clapped politely.

"Nina heckler"

"Amity" an erudite transferred to amity.

This carried in for a couple of hours, I zoned off a little until I heard my name being called.

" Clarissa King"

I got up quickly and walked fiercely to the stage. I picked the knife from Jeanine and flipped it. Once. Twice. The third time I pressed it to my palm until blood poured out of it, I then placed above the sizzling coal and gave the crowd one last smirk before pouring my blood.

" Dauntless"

Loud gasps were heard, but then the loud Cheers hailed from dauntless my faction.

Someone handed me a bandage and some older guy gave me his seat.

I looked back to meat my parents frowning looks. Hehe they're pissed. My dad shook his head and mouthed " I'll find you and kill you"

A chill ran down my spine, but soon I remembered, I am dauntless now.

I am free.


So?? What do you think?!?
I will be updating chapter 4 tomorrow.
Please tell me if you like my story so far♥️♥️.


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