SIX - Counting Minutes to Midnight

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Over the next few days, Setsuna and I formulated a plan to get me back to Hogwarts.

It was simple, really— at the end of the week, we'd be returning to the private temple near Mahoutokoro, and Setsuna would be going home with Saito to her house for the weekend.

She was going to invite me over, and when her parents weren't looking, we'd use their floo powder network to get back to the UK. We couldn't travel directly into Hogwarts, but we could get to Hogsmede, which would get us close enough to walk— and I knew exactly which house to travel to.

So over the course of the week, we continued to train with Professor Akura, as if nothing were wrong. It was hard to act normal, and pretend like I wasn't trembling at the thought of getting caught. I knew the alternative wasn't any better... I knew I had to get out of here. But I still didn't like to break the rules.

When Friday finally rolled around, I felt like I was going to jump out of my own skin— I was buzzing with anticipation and nerves. We rode the train back to the station, and it was then that we took the opportunity to tell the Professor our plan. We shuffled closer to him, threading through train passengers, so that we could get his attention.

"Sumemasen," Setsuna said, and he turned to us. "I have invited Alyssa San to come home with Saito and I this weekend. I would like her to meet my mother, and I want to show her what it's like inside a Japanese mage household."

Professor Akura nodded slowly, processing her words. "I see..."

My heart skipped— I was worried he wouldn't allow it. That would make it harder, because there was no way I was staying at the temple, but I didn't want to have to sneak out.

Thankfully, he added,

"I think that will be good for Alyssa San. I trust that you will take good care of her?"

"Of course, Sir," Setsuna beamed, in that charming way of hers. Nobody would have ever suspected her true intentions with a smile like that.

"Then I see no problem. I hope you both have a wonderful weekend," he said.

I had to fight to let out a sigh of relief, but I couldn't stop myself from beaming. Setsuna and I must have looked like excited schoolgirls, having their first sleepover— when really, he'd just given us our ticket to freedom.


I packed my things before we took another train to Setsuna's house, arriving just after nightfall. She and her brother lived in a town called Osaka, and her house was a small, two-story place, squeezed into a little suburb. It seemed cramped— but to my surprise, it was bigger on the inside. When we stepped through the front door, I noticed everything expanding into a larger hallway with multiple rooms.

"Okaa-san?" Setsuna called out, as we stepped inside. She immediately removed her shoes, and I did the same, keeping my socks on.

"Yes?" A pretty, petite, middle aged woman with short black hair emerged from one of the rooms. When she saw me, her eyes lightened.

"Oh! You've bought a friend!"

Setsuna smiled and nodded.

"This is Alyssa— she's the student from Hogwarts, studying with the professor."

"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Alyssa San," she greeted, coming over to bow at me. I did the same— it was a thing here.

"Dinner is almost ready— why don't you come join us?"

I nodded, swallowing hard. Setsuna's mother seemed really nice, and I almost felt bad that I was planning to use her floo powder network to get out of here. I wondered if the Professor would trace it back to her... perhaps even hold her accountable. I hoped it wouldn't cause too much trouble.

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