"Dont Judge a Book by It's cover." Yeah Right

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*Beep, Beep,Beep*

"Ugh," I groaned and threw my hand around wildly trying to shut up the annoying alarm clock.

*Beep,Beep,Beep* The alarm clock continued to sing mercilessly.

Finally I was able to shut it off and drag myself out of bed. I ran one hand over my face and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I stumbled up from my bed and turned on my ipod, blaring out one of my gansta rap songs. That should wake me up, i thought with a smile.

"Traci Lana Jane!" my step-dad Bill said opening the door. "Turn down that racket." he didnt even give me a chance to say anything before slamming the door. sighing I turned it down just a little and took a shower. When i got out i quickly blowdried my hair and straightened it. I threw on my favorite jeans, light wash with a few holes on the thigh and a blue tight tie dye shirt. Im not a slut, dont go getting the wrong idea, but i do like tight clothes, just not anything short, strapless, or too low cut. although sometimes i do think about how different my life would be if i was a slut, or at least in better shape. Im not hugely overweight, but i do have a few small rolls on my stomach. I also was no blessed with perfect skin. No matter how many acne products i try my skin never clears up, so im doomed with a few pimples. I have blonde hair that goes past my shoulders to about the bottom of my boobs, and blue eyes. now normally blue eyes means really pretty eyes, but only if you can see them. My eyes are really small so they make my face look a little big, oh and i have a naturally square face. But im not ugly, and if i really try i look pretty sometimes.

I finished putting on my make up and grabbing my backpack i walked out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Hey mom," I said. My mom was pouring a cup of coffee to Bill. My mom wasnt looking at me.

"Good Morning Traci" She said turning around and staring outside at the lawn. "Bill you really should mow the lawn today," she started.

"Yeah yeah," Bill brushed off her nagging with a flick of his wrist. "Come on Traci your five minutes late.' He said,

I followed him out the door after a wave goodbye to my mom and got in the truck with Bill. He drives me to school most of the time, even though its just at the end of the block its on the way to where he works. Ya im a really lazy bitch huh? I get called it enough that im used to it so thats what i call myself. *The lazy Bitch Traci*

Once I got to school i walked away from him without even a goodbye. He wasnt my favorite person in the world, Bill, such a weird name.

I walked through the halls and towards the 8th grade locker section. We were in the 3rd quarter of the school year already.

"Shit..." I whispered under my breath. Standing in front of my locker were none other than *The Stupids* Well thats what i call them at least, of course only in my head. I shouldered my way past the big one, his name was Derek and he was huge, like really tall. "Hey Traci" He called to me. I turned towards him a little.

"What?" I said, trying to make my voice sound like i didnt care. Thats normally all i did against there stupid teasing, laughed and said i didnt care.

"Why dont you lay off the cookies?" He said and the whole Stupid groupd erupted in laughter. I cracked a fake smile and turned away from them to my locker so that i could get my books for first period. The rest of the group besides Derek(who was not the leader) were, Collin, Braidy, and the leader Clayton, my ex boyfriend. Trust me, ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES EVER! Clayton was a horrible boyfriend, i was always the one to call him, he ditched me on all the dates we planned, and still made fun on me. Then when i ended it with him he acted all sorry so i asked him out again and guess what? Apparantly it was the funniest thing ever that i fell for the Stupids prank.

"Aww... Traci dont be mad. I still love you, I didnt mean to be a jerk to you like that. It was all Braidy's idea." He said and Braidy laughed. "Yeah sure it was Clayton, not!" braidy said and the stupids walked away. But this was it, I actually still really liked Clayton and i had no idea what i did to make him hate me so much. Taking a deep breath i accepted whatever was gonna happen to me as i walked up to Clayton, yanked him around by the shoulder and threw him into the wall. Saying in a low voice that shook and cracked with anger. "I. Am. Done. Im stick and tired of you being pissed at me for something that happened months ago. I dont know what your problem is Clayton. But leave me alone. Im done with you harrassing me and if you ever have the nerve to speak to me again i expect a full blow apology on why your such a dick to me.' I turned around still holding Clayton to the wall. "That goes for the rest of you." I said and turned away and started walking to the 8th grade homeroom. Sometimes he just hurt me so bad that i felt like i was literally breaking into pieces. Its one thing to end a relationship in a fight, but another to drag it out for months. I just didnt have enough self confidence lately to fight back, so i normall ended up laughing it off, untill i got home that is and the tears came.

"God Traci is such a fat bitch." I heard loudly whispered from behind me but i ignored it, just this once. I normally wasnt a violent kid, not since 6th grade.

"I dont think she gets the idea that im over her." That though, i could not ignore. I stopped in my tracks and put my backback down. "Hey Clayton," I said while turning around. "Remember in 6th grade when I kicked you so hard your whole fricken leg was a bruise?" I asked, slowly walking towards him my hands clenching and unclenching into fists at my sides. He just laughed.

I reached up grabbed his shoulders hooking a leg behind his knees and pulling him to the ground. I stepped back, he was on his knees, perfect. I stepped forward and quickly while he was still surprised kicked him as hard as i could between the legs in his golded spot. He doubled over. I leaned down and whisper-hissed in his ear. "Back off." Before turning around and grabbing my backback and dissapearing around the corner, only to run into none other than the principall. "Mr. Frank." I finally got out. But he already had heard something around the corner and simply walked around me and say Clayton on the ground his friends around him laughing. They all stopped when they saw Mr. Frank.

"What happened?" he asked and of course all the boys pointed straight to me peeking around the corner. Mr. Frank turned around and said in a perfectly calm voice. As i opened my mouth to speak he spoke first. " I dont want to know what happened Miss Traci. Just meet me in my office and we can discuss with your parents your new school." He said and without a word began walking past me to his office. My mouth was hanging open and i was vaguely aware of Clayton whispering to me.

"Serves you right bitch." and all his friends actually giving me sorry looks.

If i had to bet my life on one thing it was that Mr. Frank never lied or joked around.

"Shit..." I whispered

What happens when your in love with the person who broke you?Where stories live. Discover now