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|Jungkook pov|

"Hey babe what's ur name?" I asked as I went near him and slightly push v hyung away. "Ouh I am Jimin and how about u?" He said with the cutest smile I have ever seen. " J-jungkook.."i said shattering after hearing his voice.

And we danced till the night. It's time we shud leave. "Hmm so jungkook, nice to meet u, lets see if destiny wants us to meet again! Bye!" He said as he left running. Woah I didn't even get the chance to ask for his number.

Next morning.

I woke and sun directly hit my eyes..I slowly got up and remembered bout last night. I quickly took my phone and looked at selca we took last night.. it looks just amazing. He looks so hot...

"AHHHH!!! NOW HOW WILL I FIND HIM????????" I said as I shouted out loud

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"AHHHH!!! NOW HOW WILL I FIND HIM????????" I said as I shouted out loud. "Y didn't he give me his number???" I said in depressing tone. And my phone rang.

When I check it was it was Jin hyung. I am already tensioned bout thinking bout that hot guy like I didn't here his name since I was so in admiration of his hand hot face and what does this hyung wants? "Hello what do u want?" I asked in a angry tone since I was not in the mood.

"YAH THIS HOW U ANS UR HYUNG?" He shouted. "Tell me quick I am not in the mood to fight.." I said with a boring tone. " what ever a friend from last is moving in to the door next urs so greet him and take care of him!" He said.

" ahh you want me to baby sit him?" I asked in a mad tone. " YAH I just said to be there for when ever his in trouble only in his room." He said. "Fine, blah blah" I said when I was bout cut the call Jin hyung spoke again, " he will be moving in today, so as soon as u greeted him and talked to him, leave me a message to confirm he is save! And his room number is 0113." He said

"Got it hyung, now bye" I said as cut the call not giving him the chance to answer him back. I was curious who it is cuz like Jin hyung Inst usually this caring for someone...

"Ding dong... DING DONG" the bell rang from the next door and I heard some noice from the next room. I geuss he have reached. I quickly got up and went to see who it was since I was sooooo curious. When I went outside of my room...

I was suprised to HOBI hyung there..waiting outside the door for the to open. "Hyung what r u doing here?" I asked. "Ouh jungkookie u leave here?" HOBI hyung asked. I nodded in yes. "I came here to see ur new neighbour, didn't Jin hyung tell u?" He asked. "He did" I said as I want reAlly now it is since my curiousity was scratching my back.

"Come with lets go see him" he said. "Sure hyung" I said as I started locking my door room. And the door opened...

What Lies Behind The Door (JIKOOK/KOOKMIN ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt