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“You're late,” I moaned. “Where's my dinner?”

“Sorry, Pumpkin. It was a long day at work,” she said and pranced to her bedroom.

“But I’m hungry!” I bumped my head against her door.

“Calm down. I'll take a shower.”

I groaned.

She disappeared for an hour, then came out.

"Feed me!” I demanded.

She ignored me and grabbed her phone.

“I said I'm hungry, woman!" I yapped, getting crabbier.

“Just a second, Pumpkin.”

My body itched with fury. I scooted toward her and did something stupid.

“Ow! You crazy, Pumpkin? You just bit me!"


Now I have to apologize.


So did you expect it? I hope you liked the idea. :))

*This was inspired by another animated movie. If you figure it out you get a free cookie XD

Please share your stories with us. I'm sure you all have much better ideas to write. ;)

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