Ch 21 (END)

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In Seoul,

Location,  Bighit Building Co.

A crowd of people is filling Bighit Building Co. today.

Not only staff or the artist from the company, but also fans of the artist,media press and TV station crews.

What happen in Bighit Building Co.?

Jimin : " Woahhh.. RM-ssi, are you serious about this? It's really crowed by media and fans. "

RM : " About this? Of course I am. "

V : " But, why here? "

RM : " Well, because we meet and make a lot of memories here. That's why this building is special to us. "

Jimin : " I can't believe this, a marriage is held in a company building. "

V : " Yeah, me too. "

Jimin : " mmh.. I'm tired, I need to sit down. "

V : " Me too. "

RM : " What with you guys? You look so pale.. Are you guys got sick?"

Jimin : " mmh... Actually... I'm.... Pregnant.. "

RM : " What?! Already?! What about you V-ssi? Why are you look so pale too? Don't tell me.. "

V : " Ah... Yes.. me too.. "

RM : " Wha?! But, with who? You haven't  found your partner, aren't you? "

V : " Yes.. Actually... "

Jimin : " ... It was Jungkook who did it.. "

RM : " Wha?! "

V : " We share Jungkook for both of us. "

RM : " Are you guys really fine with that?"

Jimin & V : " Yes, we're fine. "

Jimin : " Though, Jungkook was the one and the most happies because of it. "

RM : " Ahaha... I see... "

V : " Come to it, did you heard a news from Jhope-ssi? "

Jimin : " Right, it's been a month and he still missing. "

RM : " About that... "


- At another room -

Jin : " Suga-ssi.. "

Suga : " Hm? "

Jin : " Did you still got no news from Jhope-ssi? "

Suga : "..."

Suga : " Not yet.. "

Jungkook : " Where the hell is he hiding by the way? "

Jungkook : " Today is RM&JIN-ssi wedding and he seem to have no sign of appearing. "

Jin : " About that... "

Jin : " Actually I got texted by him.. "

Jungkook & Suga : " What?! "

Suga : " When is it?!!"  *standing from his chair and run toward Jin*

Jin : " The other night.."

Suga : " What did.... he write? "

Jin : " He write,  ' Hyung, congratulation. Tomorrow is your wedding party, right?  I'm happy for you. I'll send your wedding gift tomorrow by courir. I'm sorry I couldn't attended. I still have something to do. And sorry, I could only texted you, not call you nor talk to you directly. Told Namjoon I wish for your happy marriage. I'm sorry, only this I could do for you. '  "

Suga : " Ah.. I see.. "

Jin : " There's more,  ' Oh! And told Suga-hyung, I'm sorry I couldn't go to the party with you. I hope you're having somefun there. Don't worry about me. I'm fine and healthy. You should worry about yourself more. I.. I'm sorry for suddenly missing. I'll... comeback oneday. So.. Please wait for me. ' That's all he write. "

Jungkook : "!!"

Jin : " ..Suga.. "

Tears flow down on Suga's cheeks.

His eyes were all red.

He couldn't bear the pain he had...

He couldn't held back the tears anymore...

After sometimes of searching, finally he could heard a news from his partner, his beloved one.

Jin : " ... "

Jin decided to hug him, and so on with Jungkook.

Jin : " It's fine.. It's okay to cry.. He said it himself he will comeback to you oneday.. So be a good boy and wait for him, alright? We, all of us will be there and wait together with you. "

Suga couldn't say a word because Jin says it okay to cry for it.

Jungkook : " ..That stupid hyung.. " *Jungkook whisper to himself not wanting Suga to heard it*


- 2 years after -

In Seoul,

Location, Bighit Building Co.

- Meeting Room -

Jin : " This meeting room... now become very noisy, isn't it? "

Suga : " Right.. "

RM : " Why in the hell are the three of you bringing your child to a meeting room?! "

JK&V&JM : " Ahahah... We're sorry.. We couldn't left them at home. "

RM : " You guys... "

Soon, President Bang entered the meeting room.

President Bang : " Thank you all for coming today. "

President Bang : " Now, the reason I held this meeting for the executive only is... I've found him.. "

All : " What? "

President Bang : " I found where Jhope is.. "

Suga : " !! "

Suga : " Really?!  Where is him?! "  *suga got excited and slam his feet to the table*

Suga : " Aww!! Aww!! "

President Bang : " It's your fault for being too all excited. Calm down would you? "

Suga : " Y-yes.. W-well it's because, I've waited for him for long enough.. "

President Bang : *sigh*

President Bang : " Two years ago, he enlisted himself to military. His serving will be done by tomorrow. "

All : " Why didn't he told us? He really make us worried like hell. "

Suga : " Tomorrow... "

Suga : " Tomorrow!! I will pick him up and meet him tomorrow!! "

The other executive and staff, also President Bang smiled by his words.

He finnaly could meet him again after 2 years separated with no news.


Finally will meet his sunshine.

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