I need a Plan

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I woke up to the smell of food, it smells so good, I thought. I got out of bed and headed down stairs, and I see Justin with his slut, I remember the conversation we had last night and how it ended. How can you sleep with her and come crawling back to me, he ain't nun, but a b****.

Justin: Taylor!!
Me: wat
Justin: did u hear me
Me: no wat did you say
Justin: I'm going to the studio with Selena, so I need you to be on your best behavior while I'm gone
Me: I'm not your pet
Justin: well if u stop acting like one I wouldn't have to treat you like one
Me: (I rolled my eyes)
Justin: now I'll see u later
Me: mhmm probably, I mumbled

I need to think of a way to escape this placed, I can't stay here forever, I been gone for a month now and my mom, ke, kev, or Neka haven't call me yet to ask where I'm at. I need a plan I'm getting out of here today, first I need to find a phone that's charged, because mine is dead.

I went in every room of the house to find a phone, it's no phone in this house, so I went downstairs to check if the door was unlock. So I checked the door and it was surprisingly unlock, he so stupid I thought. I went outside and just started running, I ran and ran  I didn't stop until I got far enough so he wouldn't be able to find me, but I know he will. I can't believe that I'm in the middle of nowhere, what do he want with me he says he love me, but he still sleeping with her. I see that it's getting dark and I need to find somewhere to sleep, until in the morning, I started to walk until I found this empty cabin it looks like it just been built, I went inside and again surprisingly it was unlock. I look around and it was so beautiful in the inside I was so tired so I went to take a bath and I got in one of the beds and slept.

I woke because I heard noises downstairs, I got out of bed and tiptoed down the stairs, I hear people talking, i peep round the corner and saw Justin and his bodyguards talking .

Justin: I know she is somewhere around here she can't go far without food and water
Bodyguard 1: boss we followed her footprints and it led us here, so she have to be here somewhere

I ran back upstairs quick trying to hide in the closet, they bust in the room looking everywhere, then they opened the closet.

Bodyguard 2: boss I found her
Justin: where
Bodyguard 2: in here

He came in and saw that I was in the closet he grab me out the closet, he was angry, really angry.

Justin: Taylor why did u run away didn't I tell you I will always find you
Me: f*** you
Justin: oh u will

He grab me and we went to his room I guess, I finally realize that he had this cabin built. He close the door behind him and lock it.

Me : what do you want Justin
Justin: you
Me: no you don't just let me go please
Justin: why I love you
Me: no you don't if you did you wouldn't be doing this and you wouldn't be sleeping with Selena
Justin: baby I love you and you are not going nowhere
Me: yes I am I'm leaving

I walk towards the door to unlock it to leave, he pick me up and slam me against the wall.

Justin: I said you ain't going nowhere how many times do I have to tell you this
Me:put me down Justin
Justin: no

I struggled to get loose, but he was just too strong, then he kiss on my neck and on my collarbone.

Me: Justin stop "I moaned"
Justin: why

And he kept kissing me then he kiss me on the lips, which turned into a deep kiss, with tongue and all. He laid me on the bed and crawl on top of me, he was still kissing me everywhere, then he pull my shirt off and pants.

Me: Justin stop right now get off of me
Justin: no why,he still kissing me
Me: because, I don't want this
Justin: yes you do, this is not over, we are going to finish this
Me: I'll think about it "I laughed"

So he got up and went downstairs, I know I ain't bout to leave now, because he's not going to let me out of sight no more, so I just put on some booty shorts and a sports bra and went downstairs.

I went downstairs and went to the refrigerator to find some to eat, I hear whistling noises and laughing, I forgot I wasn't the only one here and I only had on booty shorts and a sports bra, but Justin's bodyguards was looking me up and down smiling and smirking. I went to sit on the couch to watch tv  and eat my apple, Justin come in the room from taking a shower.

Justin: wat you watching
Me: nun of your business
Justin: it is my business this is my cabin
Me: "I rolled my eyes"
Justin: why are you walking around my house with a sports bra and booty shorts on in front of all these men
Me: cause I can it's my body
Justin: it's also mine
Me: b**** please you do not own this body
Justin: we will see about that
Me: ok we will see

Hey everyone I finally updated again, I'm sorry if I been off schedule and I'm a whole year late, I've been busy with school, I'm sooo happy I'm a senior now, but I hope you like the new update, love you guys, I will try to get back on schedule.

Follow me on Instagram: @queentay_17

Kidnapped by Justin Bieber Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu