Chapter 10

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"I thought you said you didn't have anything fancy to wear." Jackson asked as he slipped on his jacket.
"I don't. This is not fancy, Jackson, I bought this to lounge in."
Jackson chuckled and shook his head. Him and Vanessa finished getting dress and went out to the living room to meet up with the others.
"Let's go eat!" Youngjae cheered as they exited out.
As they got seated in the back of some secluded restaurant, they were met with some familiar faces.
"Jackson," JB stood and greeted them, "nice to see you again. Mark, Jinyoung, and Youngjae, you as well and of course Vanessa." He smirked.
Jackson and the rest of the gang took their seats as a waiter came and took their orders.
"Why didn't you tell me that we were meeting with Jaebum?" Vanessa whispered so that only Jackson could hear.
"I didn't think it was a big deal." He matched her tone.
"Really? Because the last time we all were in a room together things didn't exactly go as planned."
"I'm over all that." He placed a reassuring kiss on her forehead while he stroked her cheek.
Vanessa sighed and nodded.
Things were weird on her end with Jaebum, but only because of their one night stand. She regrets it and she only did it to get back at Jackson, but either way she knew she was in the wrong.
"So, should we get down to business?" Bambam asked.
"Before we start, I would like to thank you guys for coming here to Korea. It saved us a lot of time and money, trust me." Jaebum explained as he smiled.
"Well it's the least we can do." Mark said.
"Can I ask you guys a question? If you don't mind?" Yugyeom spoke up.
No one responded, so he continued.
"Why did only Jackson bring his wife?"
Jinyoung started coughing as he choked on his drink, causing Youngjae to pat his back.
"Yugyeom." Jaebum warned.
"No, it's alright." Vanessa smiled.
"It was a last minute thing and I didn't want to be away from her and our daughter for so long."
Jaebum eyed Vanessa with a smirk, she refused to meet his gaze, knowing what he probably was thinking.
"Well, I think it's sweet and if I had a wife as beautiful as Vanessa, I wouldn't want her to be out my sight either." Jaebum spoke, but his eyes fixated on Vanessa only.
Youngjae cleared his throat, causing everyone's eyes to focus on him.
"I think we should toast, to great business and a lot of money in our pockets."
Everyone mumbled their cheers, clinking glasses together before taking a sip.
As the dinner went on, Jaebum started becoming more and more bold. Since he was sitting right across from Vanessa, he had the opportunity to touch her underneath the table, obviously, only with feet.
Luckily for Vanessa, he didn't go past that. Besides for a little game of footsies, Jb and Vanessa stayed innocent. No trace of what went down the last time the two met ever came across anybodies mind. After the dinner, everyone headed home.
Jackson and Vanessa went to their room after grabbing Luna and they all laid in the bed.
"We should shower, but I'm super tired." Vanessa mumbled into her pillow.
"We can save some water and shower together." Jackson suggested.
"We wouldn't even save water, it would go to waste because of sex."
"I wasn't even thinking of sex when I suggested it." Jackson laughed.
"Sure you weren't." Vanessa chuckled.
Jackson scored closer to her and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I love you."
"I love you too, Jackson."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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