Ryeowook blushed. When he went to wipe it off, Sungah stopped him and laughed, holding his hand. She leaned in and gave him a kiss to get it off.

"I got it." Sungah giggled as Ryeowook blushed even more.


It was Christmas time and there wasn't a single snowfall as of yet. That was a shame. Ryeowook would've loved to play in the snow with Sungah.

"Wookie, you're here!" SoonYee opened the front door with a huge grin on her face. "Get in here!"

Ryeowook and his parents entered and SoonYee gave Ryeowook a tight hug.

"So glad you could come!" SoonYee giggled and ran off to the couch to watch tv.

SoonYee looked so cute. She wore a cute black dress at knee-length, and the top covered her shoulders and collar bone, while her long black hair was pulled into her usual ponytails to show her baby face.

"Wookie, we have great news! It's a Christmas miracle!" SoonYee clapped. "Our dad is getting better! He's actually improving, can you believe it? He gets out of the hospital in a few days, isn't that great?"

"That's so great!" Ryeowook smiled. "I'm so happy for you guys."

"Excuse me," He tapped Sungah's mother's shoulder. "Where's Sungah?"

"Right here."

Sungah emerged from the hallway and he looked at her. He suddenly felt his heart thumping a mile a minute in his chest. His eyes widened at the sight of her. She wore a beautiful red dress. He loved the way the short sleeves hung off her shoulders and showed the smooth pale skin of her collar bones, neck, and shoulders. And her legs, her perfect legs that looked as soft as baby skin.

He felt his body freeze and tense up in the spot he was standing in as if he couldn't move. She wore small red flower pins in her beautiful long blonde hair that was curled to accentuate her natural waves. He felt like he's never been more attracted to her in his life. She was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. The compliments everyone gave her were such understatements, it frustrated him. She was not just "pretty" or "beautiful" or "cute", or even "gorgeous". How would he describe her? Well, how would you describe perfection? She was perfection. She was an absolute angel, flawless. She was everything.

"Look at Ryeowook with his mouth hanging open!" SoonYee laughed, pointing at Ryeowook. "He thinks Sungah looks hot!"

Ryeowook's face turned red. He shut his mouth and looked at the floor. "Hot"? Not a word he would've chosen.

Thank you SoonYee, thanks so much, Ryeowook wanted to run and hide. Sungah-thankfully- walked up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Room tour?" She pulled him into the hallway and into her room, taking him away from everyone. She shut her door and turned to him. "I thought I'd save you from any more embarrassment SoonYee might and will give you."

"Thanks," Ryeowook replied.

He looked around the room. Sungah owned a lot of pink and purple. Her desk was covered in school papers, books, music sheets, and loads of her own amazing drawings. At least ten dresses were scattered on her bed and floor as if she couldn't decide which one to wear at the last minute.

"Ryeowookie," Sungah tapped his shoulder. "Everyone complimented me out there, except you."

When he tried to look at her again, he couldn't take it. Looking at the floor was much more comfortable.

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