"Are we there yet?" Ryeowook whined.

"Did we stop driving?" Sungah pouted at him.

"No." Ryeowook slouched in his seat.

"Exactly, so don't start with the 'are we there yet' routine. Got it?" Sungah pouted, crossing her arms. Ryeowook could tell she was trying too hard to act angry and annoyed. It was funny to him, anger wasn't in Sungah's nature. She then looked out the window and smiled, "We're here."

Everland, was the name he saw out the window. An amusement park was were Sungah was taking them for their practice date (even though it was just a practice date, the word date was still in there. Ryeowook will take what he can get). The taxi pulled over and Sungah paid him, asking him to return for them at a certain time to take them home.

"You've been here before haven't you?" Sungah smiled as the exited the taxi and it drove off.

"Maybe, I don't know." Ryeowook lied. Truthfully, he had never been here before. Stuff like this was just too expensive.

"Well it doesn't matter because you're here with me now, so I hope you have fun!" Sungah smiled, grabbing his hand.

They ran inside and Ryeowook looked around. Everything was so big and colorful. People were everywhere. Ryeowook looked at Sungah. Her sparkling eyes sparking not only from the sun but from her beautiful smile as well. The sun brightened her golden blonde hair, making him want to run his fingers through each and every strand. He shook his head at that thought. He shouldn't be having thoughts like that when she wasn't his girlfriend yet. He looked away from her and looked around the park, seeing many things they could do together.

"So, where to?" Ryeowook smiled.


"Sungah, no!" Ryeowook cried, being pulled by his wrist.

"Complain all you want, you're still going!" Sungah pulled him towards the line.

"No, I'm not!" Ryeowook tried to free his wrist.

"You have to face your fears sooner or later, Ryeowookie! You're going!" Sungah ended up having to grip his arm to pull him.

"You can't make me!" He got his arm free and ran for it. Big mistake. He knew Sungah was daring and didn't care if they embarrassed themselves in public. Sungah ran up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Sungah, I'm weak!" Ryeowook yelled as he dropped to his knees.

"Are you calling me fat now?"

"No! Just please don't make me go." Ryeowook could see people staring at them, most of them laughing.

"You're making all this fuss because you're too scared to ride a roller coaster." Sungah laughed as she got off his back and helped him stand. "You big baby."

"Look at the size of that thing Sungah! Do you want me to die?" Ryeowook caught his breath.

"You're not gonna die, now let's go." Sungah pulled his wrist again. "Come on, I'll be next to you the whole time. Please?"

Sungah switched tactics and gave him big puppy eyes, making him melt. Was Sungah acting cute really going to get him on that ride?


"Okay," Ryeowook pouted. "But when I die, it's your fault."

Sungah laughed as she pulled him towards the line, Ryeowook moving behind her more voluntarily. The line was long, making the wait agonizing. His anxiety filled his body, making his palms sweat, his heart race, and made his stomach feel like it was being sucked into a black hole. The line was shorter now, it would be their turn soon. He turned to her.

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