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Another update!


Baekhyun's P.O.V

I was walking to my locker with the guys and suddenly had a thought.

"Where's Wendy? I thought she went to this school as well." I asked.

"She does. She's just really ill currently. From the texts she sent me I'm sure that she will be back to school by next week." Chanyeol said smiling.

"Oh really? Tell her that I hope she gets better soon. From what I've heard she's a lovely and sweet girl. I was really looking forward to meeting her as well!" I pouted.

"I'll tell her, don't worry. You should take care of yourself as well." Chanyeol reminded me.

I nodded my head.

The ball rang signaling that we had to go to our first lesson now.

"Oh just great! We have maths." Tao complained.

I laughed as we walked to the lesson.

We went to our seats in the class and for once I actually paid attention to what the teacher had to say.

The lesson quickly finished and we went to our next class.

Lesson after lesson passed and before we, well I, knew it, it was already time for lunch.

"That was the most boring day of my life and it hasn't even ended." Luhan complained sitting down and resting his head on Sehun's shoulder.

Sehun wrapped his arm around Luhan's waist and pulled Luhan closer to him.

"It's okay baby Lu. We've only got two or three more lessons and then we can go home." Sehun reassured.

"I know but still. I'm so tired already. I have a really bad headache." He sighed putting his head on Sehun's chest.

"Do you want to skip the rest of the school day? We've got free periods either way." Sehun asked.

Luhan slowly nodded his head.

"Do the rest of you want to skip as well?" Luhan asked.

The others nodded while I shook my head.

"Oh come on Baek! It's just half of a day. Not even that. Please." Xiumin begged.

"No. I could use that time to study or revise for an exam I have coming up soon." I said while writing.

They all quickly looked at what I was writing in my book.

"Binary, binary, binary. It's always binary with you these days. Why are you so obssessed?" Chanyeol asked amused.

"I don't really know. It's a precise way of saying things and I find it fun to learn. I've already gotten so far. I can recite all my sentences if I wanted to. Anyway, we're getting off topic. I'm not going." I coughed.

"It'll be good to relax your brain, Baek. Why not have fun at the same time. Come on. It's just 2-3 hours you're missing and we don't even have lessons. Plus we all know that you'll get top marks no matter what." Tao said smiling.

I stopped writing the binary and sighed, glaring at all of them.

"Okay! Fine. I'll skip, but only because you guys won't stop annoying me. If I have to skip at least let me finish writing this out." I sighed.

"This is why I didn't want to study stuff that Baek chose. They take so much effort and time." Junmyeon muttered.

"Just so you know, I decided to learn binary for my own benefit. It's pretty useful for decoding things and it's actually fun, once you get over the fact that in the beginning it takes quite a while to process things when learning." I said closing my book happily.

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