Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Luna Sorrentino


*Sigh*. I wish I was normal. Meaning I wish I can go to parties or have some fun. But no. I have to sit at home. I graduated high school, in my honors class, I finished college in two years for my business license. I'm practically a smart ass. But that's what happens when your the Mobs daughter. That's right. I'm Luna Sorrentino, daughter of Sal Sorrentino. One of the three biggest Mobs in the world. Yeah I know, scary isn't it?

Don't get me wrong, I always had to work for everything I have, but I couldn't have a normal teenage life. I couldn't go to house parties, I couldn't even have a normal damn boyfriend because dad would always run them away.  But my brother got everything he wanted. He could bring any girl he wanted home and not even get a smack to the back of the head. Me, ugh! I tried to bring a guy home to meet my family. I don't know what my dad said to him, but after 5 minutes of being there, he told me goodbye and left. Yeah, that's what I said. Bullshit.

Anyway, I'm at home most of the time. I cant go anywhere and I'm 20 years old. I just stay home and listen to my music all day. Living in dads house is a pain. The only reason I would stay is because of my mom. She is the most beautiful and sweetest woman you'll ever meet. She's Italian and black with beautiful black hair and bronze skin. My father is Italian and looks no older than 35. He controls the Mob in America. That's where we live. We live in Las Angeles, but I hate it here. I'm so glad I found my apartment. I can't wait to move out. Especially with this arranged marriage rumour that's going around in this mansion. Well I feel sorry for my brother, Dino, because I'm not gone be here that long. It must be him getting married.

Its Thursday afternoon. As I'm laying on my bed with my headphones in, I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!"

It's my brother. He's older than me only by 3 minutes. So as a "big brother" he treats me as the "little sister." He comes in and as always, jumps on top of me and puts all his weight on me. "Ugh! Come on dude! Your heavy as hell!" I said. "Aww come on. I've missed you." " You only been gone a few hours." I laughed. He got off. My brother and I have a great bond. We may have fought a lot, but we stopped that a long time ago. "Have you heard about the arranged marriage?" He said. "Oh yeah, who isn't talking about it in his house?" I said, both of laughing. "Who you think it will be? Me or you? 

He sighed, "I know it's me. It's only right because I have to take over when dads stand down." 

I nodded my head. "Well good luck with that!" I said, "Maybe she'll be pretty." We both laughed. Somebody come and knocks on my door. "Mr. and Ms. Sorrentino. your father wants you." one of the maids said. We both nodded. "Well let's go see what the fire breathing dragon wants." he said. We walked out and headed to dads office. You felt the tension from the hallway to his office. We knocked on his door. "Come in." he said. We both walked in. We seen him sitting at his desk doing paperwork. He had on and all black suit with a red napkin in his pocket. Mother was on the side of him. She smiled but her smile went away right after.

We both just stood there waiting for him to say something. "Sit." he said still looking at his paperwork. We sat. He took off his glasses and stared at us. "Okay. I need to talk to you both about this arranged marriage that's going around the mansion. I told only one person, but they can't keep their mouth close." He looked up at mom. She turned her head. "Anyway. We have arranged this since you guys were 5 years old. The reason why we arranged this marriage is to become one large Mob of the world. The arranged marriage is with The Lombardos." 

"Okay dad. Let's just get this over with." Dino said. "Who is the girl? Is she pretty? When are we getting married?" My dad raised a brow and laughed. He was laughing hysterically. "Oh son, it's not you. It's Luna... Whos getting married." I felt my body get up and say something I shouldn't have said. "To hell I am!" 

"Watch your mouth Luna!" My dad said with anger. I didn't care. 

"No I'm not getting married to somebody I don't fucking know! And I'm suppose to be moving out soon." 

"I don't care. End of discussion." He said. "No dad. I don't want to--" "I SAID END OF DISCUSSION!" The room got silent. "Sis, let me talk to him." Dino said. "There's no talking to him. He thinks of no one but himself and this family he calls a fucking mob!" He looked at me with eyes that could burn through my skull. I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't stand my dad! I'm getting out of here. I have to go. I packed some clothes and headed out the door. I was crying. I cried until I got to my best friend house. Ashley. I went her house and then I called Kasey over there.

I had to get this off my chest. I told them what my dad did and what he said. They were pissed. Ashley, she was the crazy best friend. She would persuade you strip naked  and run down the road. She's the best friend that would slice a bitches throat if you even looked at her wrong. Kasey, she's more of the sweetheart. She will give you the best advice,  it don't make her take her glasses off. She might look nerdy, but she is a true beast in a boxing rink. 

"Sweetie stop crying! You're stronger than that." Ashley said. "I know. but my dad has never did anything like this. An arranged marriage? It's bullshit." I said. I didn't want to marry anyone I didn't know. He might be an asshole, but I didn't think he would that big of an ass. "Do you want to stay here? Ashley said. "I cant stay long. Dad would find me here." 

I sucked up all my tears, "I wanna go out tonight." 

"That's what I'm talking bout girl! Let's go!" "I don't think it's a good idea." Kasey said. "You never think it's a good idea! Hush. Let's get you cute boo!" Ashley said. We got dressed and headed out to the club. It was around 10:30 when we headed out. I've always had to sneak out to get into the club. I wanted to forget. I wanted to think about something else. I'm making sure I get wasted.

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