Chapter Ten - Steam.

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I could hear the yelling before I even rounded the corner. The deep one of Reigns and the raspy one of Rollins were overlapping one another.

"You cost me my match!" Seth shouted as I could finally see them. He was clutching his ribs tightly, barely able to stand. "I got fucking counted out because of you!"

"You're being dramatic!"

"You speared me through the goddamn barricade!"

"It was a fucking accident! My eye is swollen shut for crying out loud!" Reigns motioned to where it was forcibly shut, with surrounding black & blue color.

"Oh so I should just totally excuse my potentially broken ribs from your conscience right?" He laughed bitterly. "This could take me out of Money In The Bank!"

"Well if you hadn't been playing Captain Save A Hoe and gotten in my way, none of this shit would've happened!" He yelled back.

"What was I supposed to do? You were going to spear her!"

"She put herself in harms way." He poked his chest. "Should've let her pay for her own mistakes."

He slapped his hand down."Don't touch me, you uncaring bastard."

"Excuse me?" He was beginning to take a threatening step forward until Dean got in between them, pressing their chests apart creating some space.

"Everybody just chill the fuck out, what happened out there was an accident."

"That's what I've been telling him." Roman pointed.

"Accident my ass," Seth scoffed. "You only did that because I elbowed you."

"Hey I'm not you, I understand when something was unintentional, even when you reopen the stitches that bitch gave me."

Ambrose's head snapped to him with a vicious pair of eyes. "She's not a bitch. Don't you ever let that come out of your mouth about her again."

I smirked a little when I realized he was talking about me.

"Now both of you get to the medics room and get checked out. I'll meet up with you there." He jerked a thumb down the hall. Reigns glared at him but slowly walked off where Ambrose had told him to go. Rollins muttered something under his breath like a child before following behind.

I was beginning to leave too until Ambrose's voice rung out.

"Enjoying the view, sweetheart?"

He was not even facing me so I wondered how he saw me. That is until he turned around and gave me a half smirk.

"Am I enjoying watching you guys rip yourselves apart over girls?" I shrugged. "I actually am. It's pretty entertaining."

"This is just a little bump in a very long eventful road. Don't you dare - for even a mere second - think you're ahead."

"I'm sure I have. It's okay to be bested by someone, alright?"

"Bested?" He chuckled. "Baby, believe me when I say that I will always be a country mile ahead of you. Always."

"Dean, there you are!" Anna grinned as she came up to him before noticing me and frowning. "Why are you talking to her?"

"I'm not." He flung his arm around her shoulder. "Simply giving her a heads up about the inevitable future."

"You better be." She murmured, grabbing his chin and possessively kissing him, narrowing her eyes at me as she did so. "Now go to my car and fetch my Versace bag? I forgot it."

He tried his best to hide his annoyance and put on a great fake smile. "Sure thing, baby."

"Good, my keys are in the office."

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