A Noel Kahn Cabin Party

Start from the beginning

Alison's POV

I'm running my hands up Emily's legs and begin my slow torture of getting her to change her mind about having a sleepover tonight.  As I leave kisses up and down her neck, I slowly creep my hand to the inside of her lace panties and she just can't take it anymore, "Ali..." she moans.  "

"Yes, Em?  If you want me to stop, just say the word," I say with a devilish smirk.

"You know I don't want you to stop but... if we don't... there is no way we are leaving this room.  We promised we would go to this party tonight," she says. I know she has a point but going to another party is the last thing I want to do when I have Emily looking the way she does right now. 

"You're right... I just can't help it.  You have no idea how beautiful you are.  I honestly wish you could see yourself through my eyes sometimes.  Maybe then you'd realize how lucky I am to be able to call you mine,"  I say and leave a sweet kiss on her lips.

"You have no idea how much I love you, Ali.  I never thought in a million years that we would get here and now that we finally are, I sometimes have to pinch myself to prove that I'm not dreaming," she says while holding me in her arms.  I honestly didn't know it was possible to love someone this much.  I look at the clock and realize that we only have an hour before the girls will be here, "Alright, Em.  I agreed that you could pick out my outfit.  You better make it good if I'm gonna be standing next to you in that outfit."  Emily makes her way over to my closet and rummages around for about five minutes before she pulls out a red bandage dress and six inch red stilettos to match.  She's gotta be kidding... and she thought I made her look over dressed? "Em... are you serious?  And you thought I was making you overdressed?!  What if I wear that on our next date night and I promise it'll end up on the floor at the end of the night."  I think I caught her off guard because her eyes just bugged out of her head like a Jim Carrey in The Mask. 

"Okay... fine... but I'm holding you to that!" she says with a smirk on her face and makes her way back into my closet.  She comes back out with a pair of white skinny jeans, a baby pink tank top, and baby pink wedges to match.  I'm a little surprised by the fact that she chose pink but she does know it's my favorite color, "Now that... I can work with.  What made you choose pink? You hate pink," I ask. 

"I may hate the color pink on me... but it drives me crazy when it's on you.  It makes your skin look like its glowing, the highlights in your hair stand out, and it matches the shade of pink of your lips that you know I can't stay away from," she says and closes the gap between us.  I didn't realize I wasn't breathing until she breaks me from my thoughts, "you better get your butt in there and change before the girls get here,"  she says.  I nod my head, "yes ma'am. Who knew you could be so bossy?  I like it," I say with a wink and make my way to the bathroom to change so I can make an entrance to drive her nuts when I put the outfit on. 

I look myself over in the mirror and add a bit of light pink lipstick before making my way towards the door, "you ready, Em?"  I say.  "Yes! Now get out here..." I can't help but laugh at how impatient she is.  I slowly turn the knob and make my way out of the bathroom and the look on Emily's face is PRICELESS.  She's practically drooling and her eyes are as wide as they can go, I should let her pick my outfits more often.  

Her eyes are grazing over my body and taking in every curve but they stop when they reach my chest.  I close the gap between us and place my finger beneath her chin and raise it to face me, "my eyes are up here, Em."  She turns the brightest shade of red and nods. "You really like me in pink, don't you?" I say, trying to get a rise out of her.  "You..." she takes a step closer to me, "have..." she takes another step, "no..." she wraps her hands around my waist and pulls me flush against her..."idea"... and then she smashes our lips together while pushing my back against the wall.  Do we seriously have to go to this party!? Why can't we just stay here... we obviously would rather be doing other things.  She makes her way to my neck and hits my sweet spot.

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