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Eva's POV

Today Emma picked me and I was glad that I wasn't drenched in the rain. Okay I get global warming because it is April and rain shouldn't be falling.

"Hey" I say as I slide into the shot gun of the car. They allow Emma drive herself to school.

"Hey" she said to me before starting the car.

"Thanks" I mumble silently

"Don't mention" she said before playing music on her radio. We listen to Happy by Pharell Williams. It gets all of us happy and we were dancing. Then we went to hotline bling by Drake. We were so happy and moving with the music that I didn't notice she had parked the parked car and was watching me intently.

Why are you staring so much?  I ask her as soon as I catch that we are at school already.

You should let yourself worries go most of the time and dance like you have done today.

What happens in the car stays in the car I say narrowing my eyes at her.

Yeah yeah she says cheerfully. Come on in.

We say and move to our lockers and I am sure that this has to do with Emma's parents but we got lockers near each other.

We take our books and luckily we take all classes today together which is math, algebra, study hall, and P. E

The rest of the day I will spend at the library completing my assignments for next week.

We take our classes together and during P.E I am called by one of those students who stay at the nurses office pretending to be doing school service to miss P.E to come meet our AP chemistry teacher Mr.  Jones to the chemistry lab.

Probably wants me to review one of the assignment with him after school.

Mr.  Jones, you called I say as I enter the class.

Mr.  Jones smiled at me. Mr.  Jones smiled at me he never smiles at me.

Yes Ms. Taylor I need to if to tutor someone for me. He has to have his makeup test in two weeks.

Okay Mr. Jones I say who needs to share this geniuses brain.

He is here now Mr. Jones said motioning towards the door and my mouth widens in shock. Ms. Taylor you have to tutor Mr.  Bryan here for two weeks.

I will let you guys get familiarized and get  a schedule he said leaving the lab. When did Mr. Jones ever leave the lab. I sigh and look at him. There is a long silence and I don't intend to break the silence. We stare at each other. I start to feel awkward and begin to shuffle from one leg to another.

He looks at me and smiled. Hi I am Henry and you are?

Eva I say. Of course I know your name everyone knows your name. You are a jock and you wouldn't know my name because I am a nerd.

O I didn't know that he said obviously uncomfortable.

Did I say that out loud.

He nodded and I sighed. I don't mean it in anyway.

Yes I get it Jocks don't try to get to know nerds name even if the nerds knows the jock.

Okay so I see that you need help in Chemistry when you intend to study? I have work at the filling office at the national library Monday's to Thursday's. I say to him.

And I have football practice Monday's and Wednesday's. That leaves Friday's Saturdays and Sundays. O my,  now I have to study on Sunday.

Yes, where do you want me to help you. Can't help you in the library it's for quiet reading .

We can come to my house to study my mom won't mind at all.

Okay give me your address and I will come there tomorrow at 4 I say

O Eva I will take you there, can't allow you come on your own and besides I should be concerned about your safety and I should do something to pay you.

Okay tomorrow after school I will be waiting by Emma Drayton's car for you.

I will see you then?

Yes I don't want to do this but I will.

Thanks Eva, just count it as saving the football team.

Yeah the team relies on my very big brain I say sarcastically.

Thanks he says and makes his way out of the lab.

So much for laying low.

During study hall I intend to study but Emma has no intention of letting that happen.

Where were you during P.E ? She wishpers so Ms. Grayson won't hear us talking when we should be studying.

I will tell you in the car I whisper in a hiss.

Okay she says and leans in her chair. She sighs and whispers again. I don't know what to study.

Pick the first book you see in your bag I say in a whisper.

She unzips her bag an pull out a book. It's algebra she says to me


I can't study algebra on my own.

Okay pick the second book you see.

O see its my diary she says smiling.

You can read that I say trying to let her leave my back.

Soon enough the bell rings indicating Thursday is over. She smiles triumphantly.

You didn't allow me study I say to her

Yes that was the plan all along she says smiling.

Let's go now.

As soon as we got to the cat she sat and started the engine and began to drive I she will not ask me what happened.

Okay spill where were you?

Chemistry lab I say

Doing what? I hope you weren't studying you can't get any nerdier.

I was talking to Mr. Jones about Henry Bryan with that she stopped the car and shot me a look. Continue driving i say and she keeps driving.

Well Henry needs a tutor and Mr. Jones made me tutor Bryan. She stopped the car abruptly and looked at me.


I am sitting right here no need to yell I tell her.

I know but girl, you get to spend time with the football captain and QB. Now I am jealous.

If you can tutor well I will let you have him I say tuning the radio.

Yeah well, I can't really use my brains for myself and not for another extra person she says and begins driving.

Wanna eat something I am starving I say to her.

You ask well meeting Henry has changed you she say wriggling her eyebrows.

I am just hungry didn't have any dinner yesterday that why.

Okay what do you want?


And who's my typical days have taken a u-turn.

Hey guys

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