Life of A troublemaker

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Chapter One: Life Of A Troublemaker

(P.S there are change of POVs)

Lovinia's POV

Another day of hard work. It's an endless game that I have to fight. A vivid vision of what's going to be ahead of me. everyday's just the same as the other day. 

I woke up because of the loud music of my brother, who's room is just right beside me. Putting my uniform on and pushing my hair into a neat bun.

I went out my room and knocked on my older brother's door loudly. He opens it wide. Huh, seems like he's in a good mood. oh wait, this jerk's always in a good mood. Good for you. I thought to myself.

"Can't you volume it down?" I yelled.

He went back in his stinky and filthy room to turn off his music. "So what's for breakfast?" he asked.

"Boiled egg." I answered, turning my back at him as I went downstairs to prepare breakfast. He followed behind me.

"Boiled egg? Again?" He complained, still following behind me until we reached the kitchen. "Can't we have a proper breakfast? like bacon or sandwich with 3 layers or anything similar to that?"

I place the pan on top of the stove with a loud pang! and turned around looking at my brother pissed off. he tensed up a little bit, not meeting my gaze . "or never mind." he mumbled. 

"How about you cook breakfast for me once? In that way, I would know what a proper breakfast for you is?" I turned around and started to heat the pan, putting water in it along with the egg. 

"James, how about you start to look for a job? you're just here at home and not barely moving an each. When I got home, everything's the same. You don't even clean." 

"Look, I tried looking for a job, but no one's willing to accept me."

"Are you sure you did try your best?" I questioned. James is my older brother, but his mentality is like four years younger than me. Well, people say that he looks like me, except that he's a guy. We inherited our hair color from our mom which is brunette, except mine is straight and James is kind a curly like my dads. Well, our eye color differs. His is ocean blue while mine is dark brown. "You can't just depend on your savings." I said, toasting a bread. "you have to have a job to invest more on your savings."

that's right! our parents died. They died 2 weeks before my brother's college graduation. I expected for him to grow up and take care of me, but eventually after our parent's died from a car crash, he became depressed for a year. The reason why I have to quit school and do a part time job. He did work, but only for 6 months then he quite. Thus, he's depending on his personal savings, my savings, and the inheritance that our parents left. I started telling him to find a job, he does, but doesn't try his best.

"Chillax. I still have some savings left."

I groan in frustration. I rolled my eyes and took the bread with me. "I'm running late. Get yourself a proper breakfast." I said leaving him behind, bringing the toast bread with me.


"Miss White, if you can't do your job well, i'm afraid that I would have to fire you." Mrs. Schwenzer said.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." I apologized.

"How about you take your vacation leave? Maybe you're physically tired dear." Mrs. Schewnzer said worriedly.

"I'm fine."

"Besides there's no deduction if you're going to take a vacation leave. You're still going to take the full payment."

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