Last Day

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"I'm gonna miss you bubs," Meg said to Milo, wrapping her arms around his torso, him holding her close, one arm around her waist and the other over her shoulder, "Aww, I'm gonna miss you too baby," Milo responded, kissing Meg on the forehead. The two had grown closer over the course of filming the movie. "C'mon the cast is waiting," Milo said to Meg, as the two waddled over to the cast, arm in arm, "Look at the happy couple," Trevor joked, and the cast laughed. The two were great friends and the cast always joked about them dating, though nothing has come out of it, especially since Holiday came into the picture. Meg didn't hate Holiday, though she wasn't very fond of her, she just had to go everywhere with Milo, it seemed like Meg never got to see just him anymore. Plus she didn't like the vibe she gave off, whenever the gang would get together and she was there, the vibe just seemed off, and she'd always try to distract Milo from talking to Meg. Meg would never say anything to Milo about it, not now anyway, if Milo really loves her, then Meg is happy for him. She was honestly surprised Holiday wasn't there right now, maybe it was because it was a cast only event, but even then Holiday always found a way to get in, surprising even Milo. Meg wouldn't admit it, but she was happy that Holiday wasn't there, because then Milo would actually act like her best friend, like he did before Holiday came into the picture. Meg wasn't a love sick puppy fawning over Milo, but she did care about him, and there was something about Holiday that Meg didn't like, though if she ended up dating Milo in the process, Meg wouldn't mind that much. Kylee, Trevor, Carla, and the rest of the adult cast grabbed their wine glasses, while Meg, Milo, and the younger cast members, grabbed their glass of sparkling cider. "Zom and Pom forever!" Carla yelled as the cast raised their glasses, "Cheers!" Everyone yelled as they took a sip out of their cups. "You guys were amazing, and I couldn't wish for a better cast!" Their director said as everyone quieted down, the cast and crew then said their thanks you's to one another, and the group dispersed into their own little groups. Meg, Milo, Kylee, and Carla talked to each other a little bit, before Kylee and Carla got pulled off for pictures. "So Mii, in honor of our last day together, we must do something memorable," Meg intertwined her and Milo's hand and swung them, "Wanna ditch the party and go get some pizza and ice cream?" Milo asked, going back to their oldest traditions, since they've been friends, Meg beamed at Milo. Meg went and found Kylee and Carla to tell them that she was about to leave with Milo, "Ooh, get you some," Kylee and Carla giggled and messed with Meg before telling her bye and giving her a hug. "C'mon bubs," Meg said happily, as Milo wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder, "Bye guys!" Milo waved, to which the males of the cast wolf whistled. Milo pulled out his keys as Meg got in the passenger seat. Milo turned up the radio and Look Alive was playing, "Ayyyyeeee," Meg said turning up the radio. She took a video of her and Milo, "Look at that milly rock," Milo hyped her up, still focusing on the road, Meg laughed and posted it on her story.

Meg and Milo made it to the pizza place, and ordered their usual. The 2 ate and laughed at some of their favorite memories. "You really gonna miss me that much boo?" Milo asked Meg, a cocky smile on his face, she giggled, "Yeah, yeah, I really am," it seemed like one of those cheesy 80s romance movie but Meg meant it, Milo had become one of the people she cherished most in her life. "Well, I'm honored, Meggo," Milo smiled, "You gonna miss me?" Meg asked the question back to Milo. He thought for a minute, "Nah," he settled on. Meg pretended to gasp and put a hand over her heart, "I'm hurt," she exaggerated. Milo chuckled, "No, but, I'll really miss you Meg, more than I'd like to say," he admitted, Meg giggled, "C'mon you know I won't make fun of you," Meg said, before getting a knowing look from Milo, "In front of the cast," Meg finished, knowing she would bring it up when it was just the 2 of them. Milo's eyes twinkled the way they always did when he got flustered, he hesitated before speaking, "You're one of the best people I've ever met and it's gonna be weird not being able to sneak to your room and have parties with you," Milo decided to shorten his speech, not feeling like expressing how much he truly was going to miss Meg. Meg smiled, a faint blush creeping up on her cheeks. Milo reached out to touch her cheek, that cocky smirk reappearing, "Stop it, asshole," Meg joked, grabbing his hand and pinning it down to the table. "Ooh, she's feeling tonight," Milo joked. Then he heard his phone go off, he looked at Meg, a devious gleam over her eyes, "Go ahead, answer it," she said, she wasn't going to make this easy, "You don't play fair," Milo stuck his tongue out, he hadn't actually seen who it was, neither had Meg, but they both looked over and the screen read "Holli❤️" Meg let his hands go as Milo answered just in time. "Hey, Holiday," Milo answered, one hand still being covered by Meg, Meg couldn't hear what Holiday was saying, but judging by his facial expressions, she was probably being annoying, "It's a cast and crew ONLY, Holli," he said putting emphasis on only, "either way I'm not even there," Milo finished, he didn't know how good of an idea it would be to tell Holiday, he was with Meg, but he never liked to lie to her, "I'm with Meg," Milo answered truthfully, and then Meg heard a click and Milo put the phone down. He shook his head, "I'm sorry about that Mii," Meg told him, he shook it off, "It's just one of her little episodes, she'll be over it, besides this is Zeddison time," Milo said, looking at his still intertwined hand with Meg. There was a meaningful silence, not awkward, just silent. "So what do they have to order?" Milo asked about the ice cream, "Vanilla, vanilla, double vanilla, and guess the last one," Meg beamed, thinking about one of her favorite scenes from the movie, "Vanilla?" Milo had a sly smile. "How'd you know?" Meg asked sarcastically, "They have quite the assortment of vanilla," Milo finished. The waitress came back over, "Hey you're Meg and Milo right?" The waitress asked, they nodded, "Can I get a picture?" They took the picture and ordered their ice cream, the waitress could see this was a personal moment, and didn't want to make a scene out of it. They graciously thanked her and talked while they waited for their ice cream. They ate and Milo insisted he pay, despite Meg's objections. They got up and got in the car and drove to the hotel.

Sorry this was rushed especially at the end, I'm tired and wanted to put something out for you guys.


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