Guild 18: Guild of the Geraniums Hiraeth

Start from the beginning

Number of Members: Currently the guild has 35 ½ members. The half being one child being born of two previous members but have yet to be tested and accepted it completely. To join the guild you must give up your past, renounce the timeless sins that have followed you since youth and spend an entire week above the surface with little to nothing but the clothes on your back if you manage to survive without harming any living creature you will be accepted with open arms. The reason for this is because the original leader of the guild started out with nothing but fear of inflicting harm to himself and others, stricken with cursed empathy to the point not even to hunt or steal from the wild animals around him.

Anything else about your guild: It's not impossible to live a week without hunting, simply just need to know where to look, dig in the undergrowth for herbs, go to the streams and eat coral, even hunt some berries.


Thulok: "Now this is a prime example of a Magi Guild befitting the Republic - honest and true, like a family. I hope you do well!"

Evina: "Oooh, you're new to the Magi Games, but we welcome you with open arms! I wish you good luck!"

Pimret: "Gar-ganna - what?" ***Thulok and Evina roll their eyes at him***


Aderri: "Welcome to the Games. I suspect you will not need a mentor's guidance!"



Name: Nera

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Dyrad


Personality: Nera is uncaring and exasperating but that's just tip of the iceberg

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Personality: Nera is uncaring and exasperating but that's just tip of the iceberg. The fact she's also cruel to strangers, and narrow-minded, but fortunately they're mixed with behaviors of being intuitive as well. Plenty of relationships came to a halt because of this and her morbid ideas and forthright matter, much to the annoyance of others. Fair is fair though, Nera has some redeeming qualities. She's confident and respectful at the very least, it could be worth to take a chance just once.

Backhistory: Nera had lived her entire life on the planet of Xaitune (where the guild is) being raised on the surface and merely visiting the underground with her parents, when she was just seven years old her father died of a long lasting heatwave leaving her alone with her mother who would rather be around those underground flirting with visitors of the area, with her powers and eagerness to stay above the surface she'd often abandon her home and return above where she practiced and taught herself what she could, though the past still bothers and affects her morbid beliefs she doesn't let it stop her or prevent her from achieving what she wants no matter what.

How did they join your guild: Her father was a former member so she decided to follow in his footsteps and join, it was particularly easy for her to past the ritual and become a full-fledged member of Hiraeth.

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