Chapter 2

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The bell for break ringed above my head as I dramatically posed for the drama scene. In surprise, as it was a fairly loud bell, I lost my balance and fell over. Everyone laughed, I don't know why they wouldn't, and all grabbed their own things.

I looked up to find a hand infront of me. It was Keith's, he wanted to help me up. I took it.
Wow he's strong
I held my balance and smiled.
"Thanks" I said, grabbing my bag and fixing my skirt.

When I turned to leave I noticed him still looking at me, zoning out. I brushed it off and left, finding Isabelle waiting for me. "Hey, I heard there was an event in the hall, about clubs or something?" Isabelle fiddled with a piece of paper.
"Well, let's go then" I said, heading over to the event.


The countless rows of uniquely decorated stalls stood neatly around the hall, crowds of people discussing each one with interest.

With an excited squeal, Isabelle dragged me over to a stall. I looked and realised that the whole stall...
Was full of hot guys?!

By the looks of it... it was a sports team, one mainly filled with hot guys -there were a few girls- and I still, as I was being dragged, had no idea why Isabelle wanted me here.

When we got in-front of it, she push we forward, giggling and messing with her blond hair with excitement. "Excuse me boys, I have someone who could join your team here, she's great at sports—"
"What?" I stared at her in confusion and back at the club, who were looking me up and down to see if I was suitable.
"Well?" Izzy smirked.

The boys handed me a slip silently. "Bring your kit" One of them said, their brow raised in curiosity. I smiled awkwardly.
"Okay, I'm Y/N by the way..." I said before walking away.

"Isabelle why'd you d-do that" I half chuckled this, still red from embarrassment.
"Because you're sporty and also they're really hot~"


The rest of the day seemed to go by so quickly, and when it came to it I was walking down to the sports hall to the try-outs. I was already in my sports kit, muttering nervously.

Once I came into the sweat-scented hall I saw that there were different activities spread around the hall. Netball, Football, Cricket, Swimming... Swimming? I used to go swimming as a kid and loved it... maybe I'll try that out.

I went up to the stall, as there wasn't a indoor swimming pool in the hall, and spoke to the people running it. They were friendly enough and pointed me down the hall, telling me to change into my school swim wear.

The tight black and white design was slightly uncomfortable, the only pop of colour was the hairband holding up my hair in a small bun.

Once I felt I was ready I stepped out into the indoor pool, seeing only a few people stretching ready for a swim; two guys and three girls.

"Um, is this the swimming club?" I nervously asked. When I got closer I then saw who everyone was:
A brown haired girl with matching brown eyes was stretching her legs on the floor.
Two blond girls, who looked like twins, were helping each-other stretch, looking me up and down.
One of the boys had ginger hair and freckles, who was standing in-front of the other guy who, once I stepped out, saw who it was-

Keith... is in the swimming club? Oh my goooooooosh he's hot in a swimsuit. Wait what? No, no, I'm not a child come on... but...

"Oh, hey Y/N" He muttered, looked at me in my swim suit. My throat caught slightly and I made a funny noise.
"So should I stretch too? What do I do?"
"Sit down and do this..."

Uuuuugh, I'm struggling to write right now with the stress of HW but I still live writing... I'll be slow to update but I will update about each week; not guaranteed. Well, I hope you liked this chapter, sorry it's short :/

Keith x Reader - High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now