Starting Over

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We've been back in NYC for a couple of weeks now and things seem to be working out for me and Frank. He sugested we push back the date for our wedding until we were caught back up with our classes and I was feeling better so I agreed. I didn't need to sign a piece of paper to be with Frank, that was just a formality, we already knew we were going to spend the rest of our lives together.

I had been going to see my doctor and my therapist regularly and they both agreed that I was getting better, I didn't have as many night terrors about Ville and they had lowered my dose for my anxiety medication.

I asked Frank to move in with me, it really didn't make sense for him to keep his apartment since he stayed with me every night and most of his stuff was at my place already.

- Hel: So? What do you think? Ghost thinks it's a great idea, don't you boy??   I said picking up my tiny pup. He licked my face and barked at Frank who seem to be really concentrated thinking about what he would answer.

There was silence for an eternity, but really only like 5 minutes had passed.

- Frank: Is that really what you want? Do you really really want to see my ugly mug every single day when you wake up??

- Hel: Of course! Why wouldn't I? I love you Frank, you have done what no one has ever done for me. There's no one else I rather be with.

- Frank: I love you too Helena but there's still something we have to do before I move in with you.

-What is it?  I asked sitting on the bed.

-Frank: You'll see soon enough.
He bent over and kissed my forehead.  - I'll see you tonight, ok there's something I gotta do.

- Hel: Ok, just be careful.  I heard him shut the door behind and I laid down on the bed.

** What is he planning to do? **

** Frank's P.O.V. **

Back in NYC things were getting better for both Helena and I. She seemed happier and her doctor's all agreed that she could make a full recovery. I was almost all caught up with my school work and the band was doing great.

Hel had just asked me to move in with her. This was it! I was so excited for this!! I am really in love with her and want nothing more than to be with her for the rest of my life. I know I had just asked Hel to push back the wedding for a couple of weeks more but after she asked me to move in I couldn't wait anymore. I know it seems a bit ridiculous since we basically already live together but I want to be married to Helena before I move in with her. What can I say? I'm a bit old-fashioned when it come to those things.

So I left our apartment and made my way to city hall to book a judge and have them come out to marry us. On my way I called Tim and the guys And they all agreed to help me out and plan a secret wedding for Helena and I.

- Frank: Hey Tim, how are you doing?

- Tim: Frank my boy! I was just going to call my little devil to see how things were getting along.

- Frank: Say Tim, what are you doing tomorrow, say around 6-ish?

- Tim: Well I was planning on having a quiet evening at home but it sounds like you have other plans for me...

- Frank: Well yes! Helena and I, we're getting married tomorrow only she doesn't know yet.

- Tim: So it's a surprise? Well, you sure know how to make things interesting Iero.  Count me in! I'll fly out first thing tomorrow morning.  Have you booked the venue and everything else?

- Frank: Sort of... I barely got a judge booked last minute and now I'm on my way to the restaurant I want to book.

- Tim: Have no fear my son. Send me the details of the place and I'll take care of the rest. You go get yourself a nice suit for the big day. I'll see you all tomorrow evening.

- Frank: Thanks a lot Tim you have no idea how much this means to me.

- Tim: It's no trouble son. It's the least I can do for such an important date.

I texted the details of the restaurant to Tim and after a couple of hours someone for the place called to confirm the time.

Everything was ready, Hel's dad would fly in first thing tomorrow morning and if everything went according to plan we would be married by tomorrow night at a small restaurant called Tuffet in Brooklyn.

Lynz and Alicia agreed to keep Hel busy and help her get ready while me and the guys finished setting everything up.

I got home and made Helena some pasta for dinner.

- Hel: You seem very cheerful tonight. What did you do while you where out?

- Frank: Oh nothing. Let's just say that by this time tomorrow our lives with never be the same.

- Hel: Whatever you say Iero.

We finished dinner and say down to eatch some TV before heading to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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