How you met (Hugh and Millard)

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I was walking on the beach taking in the air. It was night time and the breeze was cold. My long dark hair flowing in the wind as my white coat keeps me warm. I stand on the beach staring at the moon when suddenly I hear laughter from behind me on the rocks. I look behind me to see a group of people laughing and jumping around. I than hear a scream as I feel myself be lifted off the ground as I feel a tight grip around my neck. I heard a girl yell:

"Hugh now!

That's when I heard a lot of buzzing, the creature who had me in its grip got distracted and dropped me. I felt myself begin to fall towards the ground, when  I felt the monster hit me tossing me to the side. I hit the sand, rolling multiple times before stopping. I look up and see a girl in a blue dress staring down at me.

"Are you okay?!" she asked.

I nodded before getting up to help the fight. As I'm fighting I get knocked backwards into someone, I stand up quickly before apologising.

"I'm Y/N by the way" I said trying to hold off the monster.

"Hugh" he said smiling.


I was walking down the street of my village, I was heading to the small pub we have called 'The Priest Hole'. My uncle is the owner and he said that today he was going to make me my favourite food as its my birthday. I was approaching the pub, my blue dress and blonde long hair blowing in the wind. When I got to the pub I noticed that it was on fire. I ran towards the pub.

"Uncle!" I yelled running into the building.

"unc- hey!" I yelled as I was pulled out of the flaming building"

I was dragged backwards and placed onto the back of a cart attached to a horse. 

"Hey! My uncles in there!" I yelled pointing at the pub.

"Calm down he's fine" a voice said but I couldn't see them.

"Who said that?!" I said looking around frantically.

"I did" A voice said.

"Are you invisible?!" I asked.

"Yeah" he said.

"Are you naked...?" I asked quietly.

"...yeah..." He said quietly.

That's when I blacked out.

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