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"Wait...what?" I stutter. He laughs that laugh that makes me melt. "You wanna get outta here?" he says again. I nod like an idiot and he leads me to his dressing room. "Make yourself comfy, I won't be long" I look around the room, I mean its a room nothing special. he walks out with his hoodie on along with a raiders beanie. "Let's be out lil ma." he smirks. I smile and get up " My name is Mariah, but my friends call me Riah." I reply. "Mariah...." he says again. " I like it, its different. where you tryna go? I've never been to San Jose" 

"I got you, I'll take you to where I grew up, and we'll look at all the tourist spots." I tell him,  "Aight then babydoll, let's go." he holds me by my waist and I damn near fainted. We get into the car and his driver looks at Diego who then looks at me. "Downtown, that'll be spot number one." I tell the driver, who looks an awful like Adam Sandler. "Okie dokie." he says nasally. Diego sits back in his seat and looks at me intently " What?" I say kinda rude.  " So what's your story?" 

"what do you mean?" I reply back. " I mean, what does a girl like you do out here in the ghetto? because that's all I've heard about this town nothin but ghetto bitches and homeless bums." I want to slap him, honestly slap the shit out of him. Punch him in the fucking throat. but be cool. " First of all, not all of San Jose is ghetto. Just depends where you go, but for me I am from the East Side which some call the hood but its home and its all I've ever known, I have family and friends there. but I will prove to you that its not all bad" I say proudly. He looks at me surprisingly, "you prove to me huh?" he says biting his lip. "What happens if I'm not convinced?" he rubs my thigh up and down which gives me goosebumps and honestly turns me on. " If you ain't convinced by the end of the night then, I'll do whatever you say for 5 minutes" I tell him rubbing his leg. he softly groans and leans in, I feel his breathing on my neck which makes me want him even more. " It's on baby" I want him. I lean to kiss him but Adam fucking Sandler ruins the moment and says we're downtown. Damn Adam, fucking cock block.

 Once we step out the car Diego's face lights up "OH SHIT" he says

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 Once we step out the car Diego's face lights up "OH SHIT" he says. he walks down the path way and takes a picture in his phone. "Okay, I give it to you for now, this is pretty sick." he tells me. I smile and take a seat on the bench. When I hear my favorite song play over the pole speaker. Paul Anka's Put your head on my shoulder. " Oh no" I hear yell. I jump " What? what is it?" "I hear my favorite song" " Quit playing boy, you know nothin about this oldie" I laugh. he pulls me up and starts swaying his body against mine. "girl, you have no idea." he dips me and I laugh.  I  lay my head on his shoulder and he smiles " taking the song seriously huh?" I smile and inhale his cologne. "put your head on my shoulder....hold me in your arms, baby," he starts singing. omg I cant help but kiss him on the cheek. he looks surprised but he kisses my head and we continue listening to the song and swaying.  " Just a kiss goodnight? maybe... you and I will fall in love." Paul sings through the speaker. Diego looks at me and smiles . "Maybe this'll be our song baby girl" I feel my face turn red and hot " Awh look at my baby blush." I shove him " Shut up" I laugh. That's when he pulled me in tighter. " Make me" This is it, do it girl. I do it, I kissed him and he kissed me back and I feel his tongue begging for entrance so I let him in. I swear the kiss lasted hours but it was only 10 minutes. We walk back to the car and I dropped my phone getting in he picks it up and looks a it. "we need a picture to fix this wack ass wallpaper" he tells me. "Well I aint got no good pictures to put." "I got you" he shows me a picture on his phone. it's me, 

 it's me, 

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"Wow." that's all I say. He pulls me into another kiss, " Gotta see my baby doll some how right?" I can't help but kiss him back " Spot number 2 here we come."

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