Not Platonic Enough (2/2)

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K, so here you go, hope you enjoy.

Love y'all 💕💕

PS; New cover, what you think?

Alex's P. O. V

(3 hours before the kitchen scene from the last OS)

I opened the door from my room. I was exhausted from this whole week of tests. It was almost the end of the semester and my brain was almost praying for a rest.

It was only Tuesday, but going out for drinks in the weekend with the guys sound like a good idea. Herc said to "relax and take some stress off."

"Lex? You home?" A knock on the door made me pop my head up from the pillow. It was John.

"Gladly." I answered when he entered my room. I felt the bed moving as he accommodated next to me.

"How was your day?" He asked. I rolled my eyes making him smile. "Was it that bad?"

"How much college do I need to take before I get my degree?"

"Still one year and 3 months left." He made a 'more or less' wave, chuckling.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

"Yep." He stood up. "You still coming with us tonight, yeah?" He walked towards the door.

"Do I have any other option?" I buried my head on the pillow once again. I could almost hear his smile.

"Not really." Then I heard the door closing and sighed.

I have to admit that I really like the way John always checks up on me to see if I'm alright. I don't mix up things though, I mean it is his job as my best friend. I'm pretty sure he would never have other intentions, right?

Whoever that turns out to be his significant other is going to be the luckiest person on earth. John is amazing in any way you look at him. I am already lucky to be his friend. All of us are lucky!

Me, Herc, Laf, Peggy, Angie, Eliza...

Eliza. Oh god, that was a whole other story. She was sweet and smart. But she was too gay for me apparently. She came out as lesbian to me a week ago when I asked her out on Valentine's Day. She asked me not to tell anyone yet, to put up some story about her liking someone else or something.

It didn't hurt, I'm actually happy she already found herself, she had been struggling with her sexuality for a while, but she called herself hetero to avoid explanations. All this confessions, I had them last week.

I sighed once more. And thought about John for a little while. How magnificent is my best friend that I can spend hours contemplating a mere mental picture?


Among sweaty people, colorful lights and loud music, I managed to get out of the place, walk a little outside and get some fresh air.

I'm not drunk. At least not drunk enough to make a stupid decision, but enough to think about doing it. It's already 2 AM and the guys are supposed to meet me by the car in half an hour.

I take my phone out and start playing with my phone when someone sits next to me.

"You busy?"

I look at my side and John is smiling at me with an ease expression. He's already tipsy too.

Is it just me or he looks hotter when his hair is undone?

"Not quite." I answer and smile back. "Aren't you having fun? You still have 30 minutes left."

"I am having fun. You're the most pleasing thing to look at." He said casually. My ears felt hot.

He's been making those flirty comments all night and I don't seem to not react at them. I even liked them.

Too much to my own delight.

"John, are you drunk?" I inquire, even though I knew the answer.

"If I say yes, would it justify what I'm about to do?"

I frowned. "Doesn't drunk people do what they can't do soberly?" He chuckled.

"So, that's a yes?"

"Take it as you want, Laurens." I looked intensely at him. He grinned and held my face with one hand.

"Alex, you're beautiful." He mumbled, getting closer. "And I want to kiss you so bad right now."

I smiled, red covering my cheeks. "Do it. "

"Are you drunk enough to kiss back?" He whispered, his lips centimetres apart from mine.

"I would kiss back, even if I wasn't drunk." He nodded, still grinning.


The next thing I felt was a pair of warm, soft lips over my own. He moved at a slow and passionate pace that I followed happily. He tasted like vodka and lemon juice. I've never been a fan of vodka, but I could get used to taste it this way.

I definitely liked my best friend.

Our kiss was interrupted by a cuss in French and a really loud laughing.

"You owe me 10 bucks, French Fry!"

Here ya go

I love you, have a good day/evening/night 💕

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