Hotel Room

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I feel my heart going heavy as I watch a man and a woman went inside the hotel room while holding each other's hand.

I think I am about to fail once again. My parents, particularly my mother, will be disappointed again.

I sighed, what can I do. I tried. God knows I tried, but...

I sighed again...

I turned away from the hallway leading to the hotel room the couple entered. This inconvenience I have to explain to my family. And then the process will start all over again.

I feel tired already...

I was about to walk away when I bumped into a guy who is walking the other direction.

"Sorry," the guy muttered darkly.

"No, it's my fault. I am the one not looking..." I never get to complete my apology because he guy passes by me and continued his way. I turned my head to follow where he is going.

My eyes widened when I saw the guy stopped in the door the couple entered. From his pocket, the guy produced a key card.

"Wait!" I said and ran to stop the guy from using the keycard. I put a hand on his wrist and looked up at him. My breath hitched when our eyes met.

The guy I bumped with is tall, well built, well dressed and extremely gorgeous. With piercing eyes, tall nose and strong jawlines. I think my mind blanked for a moment when my eyes met his, two dark pools of undetermined depth. The guy's eyes darkened.

"What do you think you are doing?" The guy asked in a gruff tone.

That woke me up from the mesmerizing stance this guy put on me. "What are YOU doing?" I gave back the question to him.

The guy took his wrist off my hold forcefully, "This is none of your business. My lover is inside this room," he said.

My heart almost stopped again. "You know JaNa too?"

JaNa, the woman who entered this hotel room with another man, is my fiancee. Or soon to be ex fiancee, I don't know.

Our marriage was arranged by our families. But now, I found her cheating on me, even though we are not married yet.

Can it be called cheating even if we are not yet married and we don't love each other? I don't know.

But this guy, this tall and handsome guy, is saying that his lover is inside. Does JaNa knows this guy too? Are they lover too? Exactly how many men does JaNa have anyway?

"Who is JaNa?" The guy asked.

That question confused me, "The lady who entered this room with that guy..." I replied confusedly.

The tall guy snorted, "I don't give a fuck about any lady. That bastard inside is my lover and he picked up some bitch to cheat on me. I will kill him tonight," he said in a dark tone before shoving me out of the way and opening the door.

I almost stumbled because of him pushing me. I am confuse. His lover is the guy? Not JaNa? What?

The next thing I knew, the hotel door opened, the guy entered and a scream was heard from the inside.

I moved to enter the hotel room as well.


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