Nexus part 2

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A/N: The final part of the interlude. I hope you like the poster up above that I made based on this season for this storyline.


After Argent's visit, Stiles found that he wasn't much in the mood to focus on his Desert Wolf mystery. He put the pendant he got from him in the drawer where he had the other ones and sighed. He needed a break. Something to clear his mind and help him relax. He let his eyes look out the window and saw that the sun would be setting in over an hour and it was supposed to be a clear sky tonight. Sounded like the perfect night to have a good old fashioned run into the woods. But he didn't feel like running through them alone. His first impulse was to call Scott and ask if he would like to come, but with everything going on between and around them, he thought maybe it might not be a good idea. Stiles knew that with how he was feeling, he would likely shift when he let loose out there and the memories of Scott looking away replayed in the back of his mind. He then thought of Malia but remembered that she and her dad were spending the day together. But there was another person now on his list. Someone who could probably use the run even more than he did. He dialed him up and heard him pick up the phone as answer with 'Stiles?'.

"Hey Liam, uh are you doing anything right now?"

Soon enough, he found himself pulling up to Liam's house and found the kid already ready and waiting outside his front door.

Before Stiles had called him, Liam had just been sitting in his room and trying to distract himself with homework, video games, anything to keep his mind from straying into thought. Because whenever he did, he began reliving when he was nearly burned to death or when he narrowly avoided get sprayed with bullets. The last two days straight were the most terrifying he ever lived in his life. He was so jumpy that he barely slept a wink the previous night as he was too hyper and tense. Mason had texted him to see if they could hang out since they hadn't seen each other since the bonfire. Liam had lied and texted back that he was busy. Liam was getting bummed out that he was lying to his best friend so much but what could he do? He was so worked up and agitated that he might end up hurting him. That was the last thing he wanted to do. Liam was starting to get scared that Mason might just end up ditching him, but, maybe that was for the best. That added to the mountain of things weighing on him. So when Stiles called to see if he would like to go to the woods, he practically jumped at it as his training usually got his mind off things.

"Hey, Stiles," Liam asked after a few minutes of just silently watching the passing things on the road. "You know the lacrosse rematch against Devenford coming up?"

"Yeah," Stiles droned out as he nodded. Of course he knew that.

Their last game against Devenford had ended prematurely, due to that whole mess with Garrett and Violet, and this one would be an actual game rather than a scrimmage.

Liam didn't turn to look directly at Stiles but at car radio. "Do you think it'll be okay for me to play this time?" Before, Scott and Stiles had told him not to play and he ignored them. Then he had gone and sent someone to have to get treated and was benched by Coach. Luckily, that person had been a werewolf and it hadn't truly been his fault. But, it could've been. "Or do you think I'll have to sit this one out? If you and Scott say no, I promise I'll listen."

Stiles tilted his head as he went to stop at a red light. "Really?" he said with a side smirk which clearly said he was doubtful.

"Stiles," Liam said softly.

Stiles looked over and saw the sheepish expression Liam was wearing. The kid was actually serious about this and Stiles sighed. "I don't know," he muttered. "You're still kind of new to all of this." Liam looked like a kicked puppy and Stiles rushed to yank his foot from his mouth as the light turned green and drove them off. "This isn't like the last time," he confidentially said. "Before you were kind of cocky and didn't know any better. Now, you're starting to take it seriously and you've found your anchor too. Maybe now it'll be okay for you to play." But Stiles looked over as he felt that Liam wasn't giving off any feelings of happiness or relief. He was still scared. "Are you worried because the game's the night before the full moon?"

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