Chapter 24

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"Come out, damnit!" I screamed as I ran down the street closest to the beach. "I'm out in the open, let's end this!"

However, no matter how much I taunted Dream Walker, his figure neglected to fizzle up in front of me; I couldn't even feel his presence. I groaned frustratedly and kicked at the air when I came to a stop in the beach parking lot.

A hard gust of wind blew passed, and shockingly enough it didn't settle my irked nerves.

Bending down to my knees, I gripped onto my hair and let out a good scream. It was a scream that felt like it had been building up in my chest for years, and despite the intensity of it, it cycled through my throat smoothly — like screaming like that was natural for someone to do so late at night.

Shooting back up, I sealed my eyes closed and directed my nose to the starlit sky, doing my absolute best to calm myself down.

The fact that Dream Walker was too chicken to face me now that I was out and about infuriated me. How much longer would he insist on hurting the people I cared about? If it was a ploy to get me to come out and play, it was working.

All I needed now was player two.

"Yuki," a familiar voice said, prompting me to turn over my shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"Todoroki," I breathed out, pivoting in his direction. "I'm just —"

"I heard you screaming from across the beach," he jabbed a finger to where he had come. "I thought you were in trouble."

"I'm not," I said quickly. "At least not exactly."

"What do you mean by that?" He inquired, pacing several steps forward.

Biting my lip, I let a sigh pass through my nose. "It's nothing."

"It's something, clearly," he accused. "What happened? I don't think you understand that I, including everyone else, will find out eventually."

"Fine," I huffed irritably. "Tenya was corrupted just now."

His eyes widened a fraction. "You mean like the Living Dead?"

I nodded. "Bakugou was a few days back, too."

"So, what," he ridiculed. "You went off by yourself to find Dream Walker? Do you have a death wish?"

"Don't imply that I'm not capable of handling myself." I warned stoically, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I'm not," he justified briskly, glaring right back at me. "You have to realize that you can't do everything by yourself."

"Who are you to lecture me?" I argued defensively. "What're you even doing out this late, anyway?"

"It's not even nine o'clock yet," he deadpanned. "I could ask you the same thing about Iida's, though."

"I was going to check on him," I said. "Good thing, too."

Todoroki made a humming noise. "Yeah. Is he okay?"

I nodded slowly. "I kicked him in the neck... but he should be."

"You what?" He sputtered and I almost laughed.

"Yeah," I looked away from him. "That happened."

"Then why aren't you with him?" He questioned harshly. "Are you really that selfish?"

I felt my blood run cold as I turned back to him. "Don't you dare say that to me. If I was selfish I would have stayed in LA."

"LA?" Todoroki's interests piqued. "So that's where you've been."

Happy Ending ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now