Twerkaholic by B.Smyth came on. "Thisssss isss maaaa SHITTTTTT" Noelle screeched dragging each word. She began trying to dance within a matter of 15 mins she was sound asleep. I laughed tapping her awake "Where are we." She sleepily asked. "Your dorm come on" I said. I helped her up out of the car. "Uhhh anyone wanna help me." I asked walking up to the front desk.
"Noelle?" Another girl asked I nodded. "Who you" she asked with attitude. "Jeremih" I mumbled trying to keep my attitude in check. I took a pen and quickly wrote my number on the back of her hand.

Mateo POV

I took a shower then started chilling in the living room playing the ps4. I paused the game hearing music playing. I silently stood in the door way listening and watching Maliya singing and dancing.

"Not mine, you just wanna waste my time
Can't let you get away on my dime
I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm fine
I'm fine, you know I'll be just alright
I'm cool, I'm just out here living my life" Maliya Sung so beautifully with a smile on her face. I grinned watching her I never seen her genuinely happy til now.

I went to back up from the doorway but I stumbled and fell over my shoes. Maliya jumped " that's what your nosy ass gets" she laughed. I shook my head getting up "whatever you was killing it huh that's ya song" I taunted feeling a little embarrassed about busting my ass. "Not mine by Miquela is everything to me right now." (Song in mm) Maliya giggled.

"Why is that" I asked sitting at the counter. "Don't you have to go chase behind your father or something" She said becoming defensive. "Chill sis you don't know me like that." I said getting defensive back. Maliya rolled her eyes and I rolled mine back. "Ima help you cook because you think you cheffing it up in here but imma show you some shit." I gloated.

"Cut up those peppers, mushrooms, and olives" I told her beginning to cook the chicken and noodles. I watched out of the corner of my eye as she pulled her sweater off. I saw her baby bump growing.

"Since we're about to spend a lot of time together I would at least like to know you." I finally admitted. She scoffed "about me orrr this" she pointed to her stomach. "We can get to that later just tell me about you and I'll tell you about me" I looked into her eyes. A smile formed on her lips no matter how hard she fought it still appeared. We talked til the sunlight burnt our eyes through the curtains.
She fell asleep i just watched.

Jeremih POV

"I WANT MOMMMY NOWWW THE BROKEN ONE YOU BROUGHT HER BEFORE I WANT MY NEW MOMMY NOWWWWW!!" Cairo yelled throwing everything within arms reach at me. I ducked behind the wall. I slide down I began crying softly this was his 5th burst this week. "Listen if I call her and she agrees to be your mommy will you please stop and give daddy a break" I cried. Everyone might say I'm overreacting but no one understands how bad and out of hand he can get. It's my fault his mother left anyway I left her alone so it's only right this happens to me.

I pulled out my phone dialing Maliya's number.

Phone conversation

Jeremih: listen I'm the last nigga you want to speak to I know. I don't want to speak to your ass either.

Maliya: Nah your not the last person there's someone after you but since you feel like that about me it'll be wrong if bang on you huh?

Jeremih: please Cairo wants you I can't control him. He doesn't want me he wants you. I'm begging you I need your help. I know I lied about him but he's been through hell please don't take your hatred from me out on him. You may think you don't owe me shit , but remember I took care of you for a few weeks in the beginning not to mention you broke my heart. You kind of ruined my life. Sooooooo

Maliya: ......

Jeremih: Maliya

Maliya: pack his bag if imma be his momma we gotta make this shit believable

Jeremih: Thank yo...

Maliya hung up.

She pulled up to my house about 15 minutes later.

"Mommyyyyyyy" Cairo screamed running outside. Tears streaming down his face. She scooped him up squeezing him as hard as she could. "I knew you loved me I knew you wouldn't just leave me" Cairo cried she kissed his forehead.

"Thank you" I whispered feeling relieved. "It's okay it's okay your fine" Maliya said to Cairo hugging him a little tighter. She put Cairo in the car with biggest smile ever plastered all over his face.

"Omari left for a few weeks today so I'll just keep him for tonight and start appearing in his life. Great practice for my other baby" Maliya said I nodded. "Thank you" I went to hug her. "Don't touch me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Cairo. I know what it feels like for a mother to give up. You were right I don't owe you shit so don't throw shit in my face ever again." She growled.

"Whose she?" Noelle mumbled looking Maliya up and down. Before Maliya could get disrespectful I answered "my baby mother this is Cairo's mother" I rushed out. Maliya stared at me with the most devious look in her eyes. "I'm Maliya Cahill and you are??" Maliya said with a smile.

"I'm dating Jeremih I'm Noelle Jordan" Noelle beamed gripping my arm pulling me close to her. Maliya giggled "well congrats I got to go."

"Jeremih I think she still wants you. I thought you told me your baby momma was a dumb hoe who didn't want shit to do with Cairo" Noelle whispered loudly

Maliya spun around I stepped between them to prevent a fight. "Hoelle don't over step a boundary." She growled. "Maliya your pregnant remember" I tried to whisper. She rolled her eyes getting in the car driving away.

"She pregnant" Noelle questioned. "Yeah so" I shrugged almost forget I said she was my baby momma. "It's not mine" I said trying to sound hurt. Noelle shook her head and hugged me. "Let me show you what a real woman is." She said kissing me.

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Just a filer chapterrrr Time skip coming though we'll be skipping 6 months✨😂🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

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