Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Jake pulled me away from the cliff while I tried to find Brittany in the river. There was no trace left.

"We have to go Lanna, we can't save, she is just going to become one of them." John said.

"No, she was bitten almost twelve hours ago. She didn't change at all." Tears streamed down my face.

"Yeah, the little girl that you just saw bit her. She was the cause of all the other monsters, so why didn't Brittany change during everything else?" Clarisse asked. It was silent as everyone tried thinking of a solution.

"That doesn't matter now, we have to get out of here before those freaks find us." John exclaimed.

"But how, Caleb said that he's keeping everyone inside the city. Which means we won't be able to escape." Katherine mentioned.

"Yeah, and he's making sure that we turn into one of them so that he can experiment on us or something like that." Jake said.

"Wait, I think I know how Brittany prevented changing. Before we left to come to the forest, I watched as she sprayed her perfume all over her neck. Maybe the chemicals in the perfume helped preventing her from changing." Katherine explained.

"But even so, she carries her perfume in her pocket at all times. So that means that its gone, we just have to either give in, or find a way to get the hell out of here." John seamed upset.

"Alright that's enough fighting let's just run already and-" Jake was interrupted by a monster attacking him. It was another dog that came from the forest. The animal caused Jake to begin falling off the cliff. But I made it in time to catch his hand.

"I'm not to let another friend die!" I cried. The dog fell straight into the river.

"Thanks Lanna, that was a close one." I lifted him back up and wrapped my arms around him.

"Guys, I wouldn't rejoice so soon, those monsters are smarter than we thought." Jake's mom exclaimed. Her eyes stayed looking down at the river. We all looked down and saw the dog climbing out of the river and back up the cliff.

"Damn, there is no end to it, is there?" John said. That's when I remembered something that was important.

"We have to get the kids!"

"What kids?" John asked.

"My baby and Brittany's, oh no we have to save them!" Clarisse hurried.

"No, they're probably already monsters or eaten by now." John admitted.

"That's not true, the day care that they are at have a secure cellar that can keep the monsters out. I'm sure that if we make it there, then we can save them and then call for help!" I planned.

"It's too dangerous!" John yelled.

"Well then I'm taking a risk!" I began walking away into the forest, alone.

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