Meet Frostbutt and fishbone.

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Elsa's P.O.V

ok ok I need to calm down as we stop I saw a Geek....he is kinda cute......go back to reality..."hey! I am Hiccup!"he said."hi! I am Elsa Punzie's cousin"i said we stop again I saw a White hair guy oh my gosh he is so cuteeeee!!!!!!!!"Hey! umm...I am Jack Frost"he said."umm...I am Elsa Punzie's cousin."I said with a blush and he laugh hard...we already arrive I feel something is in my other hand.....Jack!!!! "uh...."I slightly blush......."ok guys!!!!"Punzie said and mer is blushing cause she hold the hand of hicc.......ha! ha! Ha!

Hello! this book is not Aragiulz I am GERMY!! I just borrow her account...this book is created by Germy! and I saw Ara need followers in her account that's why I wirte there so! BYE!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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