"Harry, are you coming?" The boy with clear blue eyes said from the classroom door, and he turned his head towards him before walking away, leaving her in front of the now empty desk with not even as much as a single word.

She shut her eyes taking a deep breath, taking in the rejection, as I stared with wide eyes at the door he had just exited from, not believing what had just happened.

Ella walked back to her desk, next to mine, putting her books together and taking them with fast movements. "Well" she said snappily, "He's an asshole. There you have it, no need to waste your time on him." She turned around and rushed out of the classroom, leaving me alone.

I took my books and followed her, erasing the incredulous look off my face. I walked alone in the middle of the corridor looking down at my feet as I always did, multitudes of students, in small groups or alone, walking past me. I raised my head to spot where she had gone, but my attention was soon stolen away by someone else.

He was standing right in front of me, leaning against a locker while staring at his blue eyed friend as he told him something. He bit his lower lip in a subconscious move, making my pace slow down considerably, side-glancing at him as I walked past.

I shook my head forcing myself to look right in front of me and search my friend, who seemed to have disappeared. I spotted her at her locker and rushed towards her.

"Why did you run away?" I asked her, my thumb tracing the side of the notepad in my hands, the awareness that I had forgotten to throw away my drawing when I exited the class making it burn in my arms.

She lightly shook her head, shutting the locker close harshly. "It was getting late. I don't want to be late" she replied, but she couldn't have fooled me like that, and she knew it.

"I'm sorry" I said, "for... you know."

She sighed. "I should've known. I mean, look at him, he's so..." she paused for a few seconds, trying to find the perfect word to describe her distaste of him, and let out an annoyed hiss as she realised she couldn't find any. "I bet he's gay" she muttered, glaring at the metal of the locker.

I raised my gaze to look behind her, where I knew his locker was by then. He was talking to a tall, blonde girl. She was trying so hard to impress him, it was obvious by the way she kept trying to raise her skirt as subtly as possible, one hand over his forearm, as he looked at her with a smug look on his face.

"Uh, are you sure about that?" I asked her, motioning to the scene that was going on behind her.

She turned around, an outraged look on her face as she realised what was going on. "That fucker!" She hissed, hitting her locker with the palm of her hand, the loud sound making everyone turn towards us. Everyone but him, of course.

"Let's go, we have English" I sighed, and we started walking to our class.

"I can't believe it! He totally ignored me, but then he talked to that... skunk!" She said, shocked, and I stifled a laugh at her words.

What a peculiar way to refer to someone she didn't like.

She looked at me. "Do you think it's funny? Then what about you go talk to him and get rejected?"

"I'd never" I replied fast as we got into the classroom.

We sat down at the far end corner of the room, glancing at the door every once in a while, waiting for the teacher, that was mysteriously nowhere to be seen, to walk into the room.

"Well, he's a prick, but I wouldn't mind his friend, at all" she said all of a sudden, and I turned around.

The blue eyed boy had entered the room, reaching the seat at the other side of the class with a confident stride, sitting at it, no books with him.

"Him?" I asked her confusedly, and she nodded.

"Should I go say hi?" She asked me, already making sure her blonde hair looked perfect.

"I mean, if you want to" I hesitantly replied, trying not to think about how badly it could've gone.

"Alright, I will then" she chirped before standing up and walking towards him, taking advantage of the fact that the teacher was yet to come into the room.

I saw her say something, and the blue eyed boy looked at her, sizing her up with a bored look. They exchanged a few words, and then she came back.

"How did it go?" I asked her curiously.

She stared annoyedly at the desk for a few seconds before replying. "He asked me, and I quote, what do you want. Can you believe him? I went there to say hi, and he asked me what I wanted. I can't believe him!"

"Maybe he didn't mean it in a bad way" I said in a thin voice, and she glared at me.

"In what possible way could asking that be okay?"

The arrival of the teacher in the room spared me from having to reply.

• • •

When the class was over Ella rushed out again, wanting to leave the rejection behind her, leaving me alone to follow.

I stood up, gathering my books together, before walking out of the room. I glanced up, to see a pair of familiar green eyes standing by the door. For a second I wondered what he was doing there, but then I remembered that his friend was in that class, and that he was probably waiting for him. I walked slowly towards the door - and consequently towards him, my eyes not leaving him, knowing that he wouldn't have looked at me.

A girl exiting the room, that I recognised as the blonde I had seen him talk to before, told him something, her hand resting on his shoulder for less than a second, making his head turn towards her, and he raised an eyebrow. What I hadn't noticed though, was that by then I was only a few feet away from him, his friend on my right. As he turned his head to glance at the blue eyed boy, his gaze met mine, as icy as I'd never seen it, urging me to look somewhere else. He didn't spare a second of his time too long on me, and looked at the blue eyed boy.

"Can you move faster? It's getting tiring here" he said, his husky voice hitting my eardrums as I walked past him, pressing against the opposite side of the door not to brush against him.

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