Chapter 8

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Christopher came up with the protein shake and gave it to Thomas.

-It doesn't taste as bad as I thought-
-I'm glad because I've never tasted it-the blond acknowledged with a giggle-This and a soft diet will be very good for you, but I must inject you hemoglobin-

-It can't be for the intravenous?-

-Believe me you don't want it to be out there, the injection is subcutaneous. If I put it like that it would burn you up too much and I don't want to hurt you-

-Okay, just be careful-

-Of course-the blonde said as he took a small syringe

He passed a cotton ball with alcohol over the pale arm and carefully inserted the small needle into a 45-degree annulus and emptied the slow formal content, then removed it and cleaned it with the cotton. He smiled proudly, there wasn't a trace of blood.

-It burns-

-Move your arm that will help, but you didn't feel the picket-

-No-said Thomas, moving his arm circularly

-Tom, tomorrow I will not come to the hospital, but Liz will take care of you-

-Why do you abandone me?-

-I need to do a remodeling in our house-said the blonde to stand up-Rest Tom-

-Sure-said the brunette in sigh

Definitely our house sounded very good. Christopher got up as usual at eight in the morning, put on black jeans, a dark gray shirt and white tennis shoes. Low to prepare breakfast for him and his guests.

Shortly after he finished preparing the croissants, the bell rang. He went to the door and opened it with the key. Robert was standing in front of the entrance, wearing gray jeans, a striped shirt in gray and white, and sunglasses. Next to him was Thomas, who is 21 years old, he is 6 feet tall, with white skin, brown eyes and brown hair, wearing blue jeans, a gray sweatshirt and over this a black jacket.

-Uncle Chris!-screaming, throwing himself into the blond's arms

-Wow Tom but look, as you've grown-said matching his hug-Go ahead pass-

The blue-eyed man stepped aside to let them in and the youngest of the people present immediately stroked Thunder.

-You'll have to wash your hands Tom-said the American

-Sure daddy-

-I prepare croissants and coffee-

After the young Britain washes his hands and the Australian put the golden in the garage all sat down for breakfast.

-Then Tom, you're going to audition for the theatre company in Paris-

-Yes it's I have my routine ready. It's something new!-he said enthusiastically, standing up.

-Stop there. You'll hurt yourself if you dance after eating, show it to Uncle Chris later-Robert warned.

-Okay-he said with a sigh and taking a seat to take another croissant

-So blonde why do you want to remodel your house? -

-I'm going to live with someone-

-With the charming prince-

-Don't tell him like that-

-Wow, Uncle Chris, I'm glad you found someone-Thomas said without caring that this person was a man knew him before he was your patient?-

-No-acknowledged ashamed

-Christopher Hemsworth what a bad example you give to my son! Live with a stranger!-he scream, shooting him a murderous look with his brown eyes

-In any case Zendeya isn't an unknown-object the Britain

-But that's not going to happen until you turn 35 young man-

-Dad!-he scream, seeing the blonde in search of help

-Don't be dramatic Robert I'm 34 and that's because of Elsa, I probably would have married at 26-

-Christopher Hemsworth!-he shouted again

-Did you are going to marry your patient?-asked opening his brown eyes surprised

-I didn't say that-object the Australian blushing

-That was the hint you sent blonde. Also give the ring is the minimum you can do after a while in free union-

-If I accompany Tom to buy a white suit as nice as yours?-said throwing a look at him with his light blue eyes

-I though you wear a dress daddy-

Christopher let out a loud laugh as he imagined the well-dressed Robert wearing a wedding dress.

-Stop blonde or if not, I will not help you to remodel this place-

-All right, don't get upset-

When they finished breakfast, they began to clean the house of the blond until the last corner, moving furniture and even repainting. When they finished around 7:30 at night, the oldest of the three suggested asking for some Japanese food, basically they asked for one thing from the menu and it just left over two small slices of a roll of salmon.

-Somebody is going to want that? -asked looking with his brown eyes the food left over

-No daddy I'm full-

-How are you so thin if you eat so much?-asked looking with his blue eyes as Downey eat the roll

-That's my secret blonde-said wiping his mouth with a napkin-well it was a pleasure to help you blonde, but Tom has to rest and I need a bath-

-Be very careful-he said, accompanying them to the door-Take care Tom-he said embracing his nephew.

-You also uncle Chris and luck with your boy-he said nudging her in the ribs

The Australian couldn't help but smile, he adored his adoptive family. The only thing that gave him sad is that his best friend is no longer part of this. The next day Tom was the most excited, at last he would leave the hospital and the best part would go to live with his handsome doctor. Sara and Emma had left 4 large suitcases with his belongings, since they returned to London. Unfortunately his health hadn't improved, the previous day he had vomited all the food but the implementation of the protein shake had helped him, that and the ease of moving so that the vomit ended up in the toilet. He should have informed about this, but he didn't want to miss the opportunity to go with Christopher.


Well dear readers

That's all for today, don't forget to comment or leave your vote because that inspires me to continue writing in English.

Have a nice night and we read in the next chapter.

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