if this is what you truly want, i can wear her skin over mine. her hair, over mine. her hands, as gloves. her teeth as confetti. her scalp, a cap, her sternum, my bedazzled cane. we can pose for a photograph, all three of us, immortalized. . .
you and your perfect girl.
why can't you see me?
everyone else can.
IMMEDIATELY AFTER she did what she needed to at home, she ran. and ran, and ran. then ran some more. it was a therapeutic mechanism that helped her throughout her teenage years; and with ruling the finish line in track and field. it helped her focus on her breathing, which evidently helped in calming her down. the faster she ran, the more calm she felt.
today, it was helping with getting away from her situation, but calming her? a hard no. everytime she saw his smile behind her eyes, it just made her angrier. the thought of the lies, the perfumes, even the raven hair. it all made her livid. every time her feet hit the ground is just another urge to go faster. she's breathing hard, her lungs ready to fall out of her chest; but she stops for nothing.
she attempts it, anyway.
she hears her name being called, so naturally she slowed down. she was hesitant to the action, but did it anyway, and was face to face with one of her close friends: jung hoseok. he actually worked in the same firm jimin did, and has known the couple since they were married.
he's worried, that much she can tell from the look on his face. he was never good at hiding his emotions.
"uh, rosalie? what are you- are you okay? i've never seen a woman run so fast-" he's already walking towards her, and she realized that she stopped directly in front of his house. he's holding her arm, noticing how she isn't even winded. she's sweaty, but not heavily breathing.
he wasted no time rushing her into his house for a glass of water, and she's in no mood to argue with him. even if she doesn't show it, she's tired as hell. more tired she's ever been in a long time. she just nods her head, obliging to his gentle hands.
after plopping rosalie down in a strangely comfortable chair and pushing an ice cold glass of water into her hands, hoseok inquires, "did you run track in highschool or something? where you chasing something?" he looks genuinely concerned, so rosalie tries not to giggle. her arms were shaking and she didn't know of how much control she'd have over her emotions.
it was hilarious to her how everyone else saw her sufferings, but her own husband? her other half? doesn't even spare her a mere glance, much less actually notice her. how funny. how appalling.
how heartbreaking, hm?
she guides her words with the small sips of water that she intakes, "no, hobi, i wasn't chasing anything. sorry if i worried you any. i was just. . ." she pouts, trying her absolute hardest not to say something she shouldn't, "taking my mind off things. the faster i run, the more calm i feel."
she finishes her water, and sets it down on the table beside her, "thanks for the water. appreciate it." was everyone giving her water these days? did the tasteless liquid solve everyone's problems these days?
hoseok nods, standing and looping his fingers through the belt loops on his jeans. "yeah, no problem. hope you feel better, whatever was bothering you looked like it was . . . " he tilts his head, "painful, almost."

Fanfictionit's what the heart desires. for jimin. (featuring hoseok.) © happypjm ( 2018 )