"Yes, it's the right thing. You do good.", Carlisle said after seconds of contemplating while kept rubbing Zander's arm.

"Thank you.", Zander muttered. "But, my ma at least, I think he knew something. Not because he asked Nolan but because he was at there on the right time, at the right place. Only my ma at the hospital at that time. Nolan said he wanted to make a phone call and asked for a privacy. So, my ma went out of his room and went to cafeteria about 30 minutes, he said to us afterwards. When he's back, he tried to peak inside to see either Nolan had finished his phone call or not. What made my ma shocked was the room state at that time. Of course my ma rushed inside immediately. He said that everything was in chaos like it's been thrown while Nolan was on the floor with his IV unhooked. Blood was dripping from the detached needle. His hair and clothes was messy. He was muttering something and when my ma touched him, he started to scream and crying with arms and legs flailed in total madness. He didn't calm until doctor and nurses came and gave a calming shot. That's when everything started to turn weird, I must add."

Carlisle knitted his brows. His curiosity peaked. 'What happened to him? Why?', he thought to himself. All five 'Ws', one 'H' starting questions was swimming and wiggling inside his mind and waited without much patience to be out. Opened his mouth but but stop midway, he gnawed his own lips and opted to just silently waited for Zander to tell the story in his own pace.

"More than weird, I prefer a word suspicious actually. Tomorrow afterward, when a nurse came and gave him forms to register the twins, he didn't fill it immediately. He said he wanted to wait for me. When I'm at there, he showed me the forms. We talked about the names and he asked either I like the name that he chose or not. Until I said I'm okay with his choice then, he filled the forms. Then, it's happened. Out of nowhere, he asked me did I want children in my life and I said yes without any suspicion. I thought, yeah, it's just a normal talk with your sibling." Zander rubbed his face with his hand.

Carlisle nodded, agreed with everything Zander said. Well, not like he knew something like that normal or not and it was hardly came to his imagination because he never had someone, specifically, named sibling to talk about it.

Zander continued, "But, no I'm wrong. Nolan, he grabbed my hands and clasped them tightly in his own hands. Suddenly he said something crazy. He wanted to register the twin as my children."

"Do you refuse him? What about your family?", Carlisle asked softly, his curiousity was to high to be ignore at that time. He wanted to know the end of this reality induced drama quickly. Yes, it was a sad story and he did feel the empathy to Zander but it was a norm to human to want to know something sad rather than happy about others. Moreover, it was at the past. So, obviously the climax of the story had past within the time and he cannot wait to know it.

"Of course I am!", Zander said a bit harsh before he loosen his throat. Immediately, he continued the interrupted story. "At that time, nobody with Nolan on the hospital room because it was my turned to accompany him while the other went to settle anything that they needed to. When I told the others after that, their reaction was indifferent and said that It's mine to make a decision but I knew them. They were neither agreed nor apposed Nolan's request. Start on that day, every time I went to visit him at the hospital he will bring the topic back. I don't know what happened to me at that time but I agree to him after been pestered a week later. He hugged me and quickly called for a nurse while said something like he did not believe that I will sent the right form if I'm the one that submit it. He had write everything on the form. Just waited for my signature to complete it. That time, honestly I said, I'm not happy with what I saw. At the parents column just the father was been filled. He didn't put his personal information at all. Nothing. Both Noah and Noël are legally mine without doubt."

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