Chapter 1 : The Uncomfortable Hurtful Complicated Feelings

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Emily's POV
Hi! I'm Emily Grace 21 years old and I had a crush on my bestfriend and his name is Tal. He's handsome, charming and lovable. The only problem is I'm too shy to tell him my feelings and if I did tell him there's a possibility that we will not be friends anymore. But I act cool arround him when we see each other unexpectedly. I totally missed my bestfriend.
In the Park
It was 1 in the afternoon, then I saw Tal "Hey!!!!sup mah man!" I greeted him "Oh hey Emily!" He greeted back oh his voice tho when I look at his eyes it was so beautiful how can you not like him he's precious! "What are you going to do this evening?" He asked "Well nothing just to watch videos on YouTube or what" I said "Well that's boring but anyways wanna come to my house tonight?" He asked "Of course!" I said. Wait a minute... I don't want to!
Stupid heart!!!!!! Stupid Mouth!!!!!
"Well I wanna ask what's the occasion? Or what's up?" I asked "Well I just want you to meet my other best friends" he said. I don't know some of his friends because me and Tal had been best friends since elementary or middle school and I haven't even entered his house after middle school because I came back to the Philippines. "Oh ok what time?" I asked "Well 6 pm and I have to go catcha later" He said then he left. Sigh I'm kinda lazy to go. Well I have to walk alone now but then I saw someone very familiar oh it was Jorel my guy best friend
~shoutout for Fantasy_Luv91   lol~
We greeted to each other and talked about many things then he came to a topic about Tal then I became a bit quiet and a bit behave.Then Jorel felt like he made a weird conversation so he said goodbye and left. Then I decided to go home.
5 Hours Later
Well it's kinda boring in the house then I decided to look at the clock and it's 5:30 "It's still early" I said to myself as I sit to the chair Tal texted.
Tal: I'm coming to your house are you ready?
Oh my gosh he's coming??? I never wonder
Emily: Yep I just felt a little bit nervous :)
Then after that I left my phone in the living room and ran in my closet and I just wore jeans and a black shirt tacked in then my hair was just normal not on a ponytail and wore my black hat I love black and then the doorbell rings. It might be Tal so I quickly go behind the door ready to open then as I open the door then I first saw a blue eyes it was Tal he's here how lovely now my heart beats fast now I'm lost in his eyes I can never forget that he's my best friend but Emily remember Tal and you were only best friends and that's it you can't be his girlfriend or more than that ok? Then Tal snapped his fingers to get my attention "Oh hey Tal!" I greeted " It's been 2 minutes let's go?" He said "Wait I forgot about my glasses" I said , Well about the glasses I brought one that was the same as Tal's glasses. I saw it! "Let's go?" He asked again "Of course" I said to him. Now this is weird we're in his car. Well I'm not that interested to talk to him so I just wanted to use my phone then snap! I forgot my phone? This can't be happening!!!! Well now I'm just gonna act cool.
Tal's House
What now? It's kinda awkward. I felt disappointed to myself then now well Tal introduced me to his other best friend and their names are Michael Rosillo and Anthony Rivera. I have a feeling that Anthony is half Filipino because of his last name because there is an actress in the Philippines that her last name was Rivera, I felt like Michael is half Filipino too but I'm not that sure. Then Tal said that we three must talk to each other and must be even closer then I felt uncomfortable because I'm the only girl in the house except Tal's mom and Tal's sister. Well now Anthony and Michael were talking leaving me quiet. Then they wanted to talk to me they started with the basics saying Hi. I replied too then we three started to get closer but I had a strange feeling............ I think I started to like one of them like no way!!! I had never felt this feeling even once but now I'm feeling it. No way I must not be girly I don't like girly things!!! But I felt like I kinda like Anthony because he's too friendly and handsome. Then Tal came back from his room and he's kinda happy. "So how's your talk?" He asked us "Well it's kinda fun" We said "Oh Emily, Anthony Michael and me have to go film is it ok got you to wait here?" Tal asked  "Uhm Tal, Can I go now because I forgot that me and my mom had to go shopping" I said "ok but be careful it's kinda dark outside" he said. Awwww how sweet he's a caring man "Course bye Tal!" I said "Bye!!" He said.
Tal's POV
Well now I think Emily was home and I noticed Anthony was so happy to talk to Emily even me I'm happy that all my best friends are best friends well now we have to film. "Anthony! Michael! Let's start!" I said.  When we started he kept smiling but at the middle he became serious. Is he inlove? Lol I ship Emily and Anthony but when I'll tell them they'll  ship me and Emily well I love her as my best friend not just more than that. "Why are you smiling  almost all the time anyways Anthony?" Michael asked after we filmed "Well I'm just happy to talk with Emily she's kind and boyish and 1543" he said. Wait what did he just said??? I'm kinda out of my mind. "What???" Michael asked Anthony "I said she's beautiful" He said "I ship you both" I said then he blushed "No she's not for me and I don't like boyish ok? I'm not that type of person" He said "Well I think she likes you" Michael said "No I don't think so she's just my bestfriend ok?" I said "I think I'm gonna ship you and Emily" Michael said "Me too" Anthony agreed "I still love Talthony!!! Even if I still ship you and Emily" Anthony added "Well we have to go home now Tal bye!" Michael said "Ye bye Tal!" Anthony said. Well I'm going to sleep but then I kept on thinking about Emily I don't know what's wrong with me. Sigh I think I just need a nap.
In the Morning
Well it's morning 10:00 then I look at my phone to know what's up then I ran outside my room and cooked breakfast. Well after that I ate it and got back to my room and saw a text it was from Emily and then Anthony and Michael texted too.
Emily: Can we meet in the Park at 1 pm and can you bring Michael and Anthony and please tell me if they can come thanks!
That's what Emily texted
Michael: Can we meet in the park at 1 pm and can you tell Anthony and Emily to come too? Tell me if they can thanks dude!
That's what Michael texted
Anthony: Tal Can we meet in the park at 1 pm? I wanna ask if Emily and Michael can go with us cause I want to play truth or dare in the park so that we can do anything and can you tell me if they can come? Thanks Daddy
And that's what Anthony texted
Damn the three of them almost had the same text except Anthony. I think the three of them can surely go. Damn Adi and Shani are so noisy! I think they're mad. If you all don't know Shani was the eldest on the three of us. Well maybe they are arguing because Adi kept on using his phone while Shani kept on talking to him.
3 Hours Later In the Park
Well the four of us sat down then they were really excited and then Michael got his own bottle and Michael started to spin the bottle then it pointed on Anthony "Truth or Dare?" I asked "Well dare" Anthony said "Well I dare you to tell us how good Emily looks" I said then he blushed did he like Emily? I felt like he like Emily "Well she's beautiful" He said while blushing and Emily blushed too. Dude I felt jealous right now Wait no way I love her as my best friend not more than that ok? But I felt broken I dunno what happened. Sigh I think I like her more than a best friend. "Let's move on" I said then it pointed to me "Truth or dare?" Anthony asked "Truth" I said
Emily's POV
What will Anthony ask to Tal??? I'm curious.
"Well do you like Emily?" Anthony asked Tal then my eyes opened very wide because I was shock "Well Emily this answer can break our friendship but yes I like you more than friends" He said then I felt like I should tell him my feelings "Tal I... I like you too more than friends like for many years I just felt that maybe if I told you, you will be mad at me and prevent me" I said then Anthony looked like he's heart broken "But now I'm inlove with another man even if I still like you I can't even say that your the only one who I only  like and it's the real me and it can change me into girly but now I can't choose one among the both of you but can we still be friends?" I asked well I think they felt broken inside "I think" Tal said "Maybe" Anthony said sigh I want to cry. Then unexpectedly my tears fell from my eyes then I cried I wish I didn't tell them my feelings. "Are you ok Emily?" The three of them asked "Ye I think" I said "Well stop crying we're not mad" Tal said and Tal swiped the tears away. "Maybe we should continue" Michael said. And we did end our game until 5:30 well Michael was happy. Then the three of us went inside of Tal's car and talked about Tal's video
~ Congratulations to Tal because he reached 8 million subscribers on YouTube~
Tal's House
Well they decided to sleep in Tal's house for 1 week and 3 days then I wonder if it will be fun when I'm gonna be here. Maybe they will be fun without me "Tal maybe I can't sleep here with the three of you" I said
"Why not? It will be fun!" Tal said "Maybe I will be the one who can kill the joy" I said "No way we are all open" Tal said "Well I guess I'll stay but are you sure everything's gonna be alright?" I asked just to be sure "No worries Emily we're not mad at you" He said. So I said that I have to go home and get my things then he said he's going with me. So we got in my house, prepared my things and did not forget anything that I have to bring.
Then we came back to Tal's house


Author's Note
~Well I think this chapter is short and don't forget to vote the chapter! 2089 words is not that long or it's not that many. And I decided to change the Y/N - Emily because Emily is my favorite name for a girl and well Uhm I change it into Emily well because I had a lot of plans and that plan was just for a girl and please imagine that Emily is you as a character in this story and guys if I wrote the story that Emily only liked Tal and Anthony it doesn't mean that I don't like Michael but because we all know that Michael had a girlfriend and I don't feel comfortable to ship Emily and Michael so peace✌️~

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