Author's Note

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It has come to my attention that there may be a few things you all are confused about.

Destiny's mother?

-Her real mother is still Qetsiyah but that still may be confusing. She's a ghost, so how on earth could she have had a baby? Well, as you all know, she has been reincarnated for thousands of years, since Quetsiyah's time. She was definitely Quetsiyah's daughter then and with the whole Silas/Qetsiyah war thing going around, it caused a huge supernatural impact into time. One part of Qetsiyah's story is that she had a daughter named Rozanna. Rozanna was the last thing she had to get back at Silas so she put a spell on her daughter so every few hundred years she was reincarnate with one task and that is to kill Silas. That task is not to be done until he reawakens and when he does, every power of hers will start manifesting itself. Regarding Destiny, her "mother" may have given birth to her, but is not her true mother.

Where is Qetsiyah?

-She left after Destiny's curse was lifted. She will come into the picture later on.

Is Destiny still part insane? (Speaking about the torture with the mind and obsession with the person who killed her parents, I am assuming?)

-No, she got over that fast. Now all she wants to do is stay alive while the killer wants her dead.

Acacia - Friend or Foe?

-That will be revealed in a few chapters ;)

Anything else? Message me or comment or whatever! An update will be coming soon!

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