Did you know? Wtf facts

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-The downside of being shy is that people misjudge you as thinking you're better than others just because you're quiet.

- A psychology study suggests that when you're single, all you see are happy couples and when you're committed, all you see are happy singles!

-Kissing before going to bed eases the mind, reduces stress & helps you fall asleep and stay asleep longer.

-Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begins to imagine stuff you'd like to happen.

- Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begins to imagine stuff you'd like to happen

- When you become really close to someone, you can hear their voice in your head when you read their texts.

- People who swear a lot tend to be more honest, loyal and upfront with their friends.

- Listening to music while working out measurably improves physical performance.

- A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talked to each other instead of talking about each other.

- 80% of women ask questions in which they already know the answer to. This is why it's best to simply tell her the truth

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