Chapter 11

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Chris pov

Master i mean daddy and me are driving to and ageplay store. Daddy made me more pancake before he put me in the back of the van. I watch the trees and houses it makes me really sleepy. I close my eyes.

Master's pov

I look in the mirror and see that Chris is a sleep, he's so cute i wish I could get him a brother but I don't know how he'll react to that. I need to talk to him later, we're at the store I park and get him out "wake up baby" I shake him lightly. He whimpers and squirms "hey wake up it's me look it's me" he opens his eyes "daddy" he hugs me I feel wet on my neck I pull him off so he's in front of me "what's wrong Chris?" he try's to get back to my chest I hug him "shhh it's ok" he hugs me and whispers "d-daddy thought l
that you left me sowey" he is starting to speak like a baby "it's ok look were at the store are you ready?" he looks up quickly "yea daddy yea lets go" I put him down he starts to run but I garb is shoulder "no Chris you have to stay with daddy he nods and takes my hand we walk in and I see this super cute vampire guy stocking shelves. I feel Chris pull on my hand I look over and he's reaching for pacifiers(dummies/binkys) I walk over to them "what color you want?" he let go of my hand he picked up a lite blue but put it back the did the same with a red black and green he keep doing that I started looking at the cute vampire when I look back at Chris he's gone I look in the next row so I go back to the first row I see Chris talking to the cute boy. I start walking towered them and I hear Chris say "my daddy was looking at you while I was looking at these" he holds up the two pacifiers and the the guy says with the sexist voice ever "really now he was looking at me?" he nodes "where is he now?" I reach them "that would be me" I said with a smile "daddy!" he half screamed I picked him up " daddy this is Zack hims my frwend write Zack?" he nodes "if that's ok with your daddy he looked up at me "please daddy can be frwinds?" I guess as long as I get to know him first I nod " why don't you go rite over there and look at the the cribs or maybe a big boy bed what ever you want k?" He nod and runs over there " so Zack do you do age play?" he shakes his head "I wish but I haven't found my mate but I mite have an idea of who it could be" so that's why I trust him he must be my mate of course that's what it felt like with Chris too can, that must be why Chris talked to him "I'm surprised Chris talked to you he don't trust people because of you know hes a pet" he nods and frowns "yea I do" he say sadly Chris runs back to us "daddy I found one" I smile "show me he walks over to a bed with dark blue sheets it also has bars that stop stop you from rolling out "its great" I smile "are you ready to go?" he nods. He comes over to me and says "up please" I pick him up he yawns I take his pacifiers ones dark blue and the other ones red I go and grab a black one just incase and I got sippy cups to mach and diapers , I walk over to the counter " heres the pacifiers,the sippy cups and we need that blue bed please" he nods "yes sir" he dings a bell and two slaves run in "they will take the bed to your car" mabye I don't like this guy sence these slaves dont have shirts on but they have wip marks on there backs. Im glad chris is asleep. He hands me a peace of paper it says'I don't like slave/pets but if I say it I'll be fired ps can I have your number'. I look up at him he's blushing I flip the paper over with one hand and write my name and number on it, the slaves have the box with the bed. They follow me to my car I open the trunk and they put it in "thanks" they nod and run back in the store I put Chris in the back and start home I see the Dollar Store I pull in, I hope he stays asleep I run in and go to the toy row, I see a little dark blue bear. I know he will love it because it'll mach his pacifier I buy it and go home.

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