22: Deep Thoughts

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This is soooo over due and I'm trully sorry for that D: I've been a bad author to you all for not updating like I should be, and it trully needs to stop. What I'mma do is leave Lies alone for right now and focus on finishing this story and get it out of the way. Cause writing for this one is like pulling out teeth, I've been loosing ideas for it >.<" So if you have any ideas please do leave them in a comment below. Also I'd like to say I have got every song done for each part that I'm going to do and it feels great. Now just have to come up with names for each one >.<

WarZone - Framing Hanley


5 Days

It was four days till the halloween dance and everyone was hyped up for it. You couldn't walk anywhere in the school with out hearing girls squeal about what they were wearing, and what girls the guys were going to do. It made me want to roll my eyes everytime I heard guys say they were going to do Claire. Their standers were clearly not as high as someone would think.

Word around the school was Claire, Adam, and Casper were all going together. Claire was going as the Red Queen, which she made clear to everyone not to come as it, Adam was going as the Rabbit, and Casper was going as the Mad Hatter. Some how Sarah Zane's ex was going with Casper to the dance. Something was going to happen at this dance and I wasn't to sure what it was, guess I was going to have to be ready for anything.

"Dude forget Claire I'd wanna try my hand at Sage. Have you seen how hot she's gotten?" A guys voice said, around a corner.

"Ya you go do that, then come back and tell me how it was to have Zane's fist slamming in to your face." Another said.

I walked around the corner as if I didn't hear a thing, I smiled at them and passed by humming.

"Better hope she didn't hear you." The one guy said, when he thought I was out of ear shot.

With a shake of my head and a silent laugh I head toward the lunch room for lunch. I was stopped in my tracks when Holden and Sarah came stumbling out of a closet. They both stared at me, while I stared back.

"Didn't know it was whore season in the school." I walked by them. "You shouldn't mess around in the school your girlfriend goes to Holden. You wouldn't want her to catch you or someone happen to slip up and tell her what's going on." I called over my shoulder.

Pushing open the lunch room door, the noises of the teenagers in it greeted me. For once I just stood in the door way and looked around, and I ment really looked. Everything seemed different in my eyes, like today was the last day I was going to see it and it was going to fade away. After I looked at every little thing I looked at the people.

Each table had it's own type of people, with their own story. Some jocks were messing with some geeks, and some girls shouted at them to leave the guys alone. The cheerleaders were chatting about the next football game and make-up. The art kids were drawing away as they ate and made small talk. Casper was flipping through a tattoo book at his table, as his friends around him talked about each one on the pages. Adam was flirting away at the Varsity Dance Team's table. Claire was making herself cozy at the football table, thrusting her chest at them all while Allie sat beside her eatting her lunch silently. And finally my table it was mixed with all kinds of different people, but everyone was laughing and talking to each other as if they didn't just sit and really talk this year.

My eyes land on Zane. That blue eyed devil was my world, his black hair was all messy and I knew for a fact he did nothing to it to make it look like that. His newly black snake bite peircings stood out against his semi pale skin, his eye brow peircing stayed the same still silver as ever. The black singlet he wore showed off all his tattoos on his arms, on his upper chest, and around his neck. He was a bad boy in a nut shell. If I died at this very moment I would remain happy forever, I had him and my friends to thank for that.

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