Rai x Karis

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(Video not mine.)

   Even after his death, the Noblesse still longed for him.

   It was tragic that he had to die, but it hit Cadis Etrama Di Raizel the most, since, after all, the legendary Noblesse has had the largest crush on him. But a secret crush, he never told anyone about it.

   That night when Rai was heading to bed, Frankenstein asked him if something was wrong. Rai shook his head, and entered his room, locking the door shut locked.

   Rai took a while to fall asleep, but when he did, he immediately began dreaming. He saw Karis staring at him from afar.

   Rai tried to go towards him, but to him it seemed Karis was getting farther and farther- and Rai stopped stopped running, he fell into an black abyss. He tragically called out Karis's name, wiggling around, trying to grab a hold of something.

   Suddenly Rai felt a hand wrap around his, and pull him up. He felt those familiar strong arms wrapping around him, and Rai's cheeks turned pink. B-But.... You're dead....

   I may have gone into eternal sleep, but a part of me will always be with you. Don't forget that, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel.

   A teardrop fell from Rai's eye, as he hugged Karis back.

   The dream was blissful to them both.

(Epi. End.)

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