I love Valentina

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I always knew this day would come. I just didn't expect it to be so soon. That dick Joshua doesn't even appreciate her the way I do. He probably thinks she's faking. I hate leaving them alone together, it makes me think of last time. When she called me in a panic asking me to come get her. He's just not a good guy.

I love Valentina. There's no denying it. We have been there for each other since we were kids. We have loved each other since we were teenagers.

He won't take care of her, he doesn't love her like I do. We went to college together, we traveled during those times. Those were the good times. I know her better than anybody, better than anyone ever will. I understand her, I know what she needs.

I leave my house and head over to her. I can't believe I let her get away.

If only I hadn't met April and she distracted me from what I really wanted. If only Valentina didn't need the money for her mother so bad. She would've never met him. It would've been me and her. But all that's too late now.

As I pull in the driveway, I mentally prepare myself for the conversation I'm about to have. I plan on telling Joshua about Valentina, or at least getting her to tell him.

I get out the car and walk to the door knocking on it. After waiting a while with no response I ring the doorbell and hoping Valentina opens the door.

Unfortunately, it's Joshua.

"Can I help you?" He asked with an attitude.

"I came to talk to Valentina" I said with the same energy.

"You saw her yesterday, didn't you?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then you should be fine" he cut me off. "She's sleeping right now"

"I need her to wake up, it's important" I pleaded.

"She's needs her sleep. Come back later" he started to closed the door but I pushed it back open a little harder than I meant too. "Look if you have a problem-"

"You don't know anything, I need to talk to Valentina!" I cut him off.

"If you don't leave I'm calling the police" He growled.

His eyes became dark, like he would kill me if I didn't leave but I'm not going to leave. "I have to be there for her"

"She has me, she doesn't need you" He spat.

"You don't even know what she's going through"

"What is she going through?!" He yelled in my face. I was about to push him back when I saw Valentina appear at the top of the steps.

"What's going on?" I look up and Valentina was standing at the top of the steps. "John what are you doing here?" She rubbed her eyes. She looked small and skinny. Has she even eaten? She's wearing his T-shirt.

"Did you tell him?" I asked her.

"Tell me what?" Joshua asked me. I looked at him but then back at Valentina.

"John" she said quietly.

"You need to tell him!" I said angrily. She can't keep hiding it. It needs to be now.

"What is he talking about?" He asked Valentina.

"I don't know" her voice sounded like she was crying. "John why are you here?"

"Its time" I said calmly.

"John what the fuck are you talking about?"

"She's dying" I said looking at Joshua.

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