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Hi... It's been so long since I really updated this and I'm so sorry.

I've been lacking ideas on how to continue this but I don't really want to take this story down since this is the first story I've wrote in here and it's just feel wrong to delete this, so it's kinda just sit there in the corner of my profile and I'm sorry once again for being terrible at updating.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @mimoucha97 because she messaged me and told me to update this because she's been dying to read it and it just gave me the motivation to continue.

P.s: Sorry for the long author's note. Let's proceed now.


Sasha POV

The room is unexceptionally silent this fine morning. The only sound I could hear is the beeping sounds from Luke's heart monitor and our faint breathing.

Luke's been sulking this morning, since Ashton hasn't text him since his last text that telling him that he'd be going to a club with Mike, and his cousin, and his cousin's friend, and I have to practically shove my phone that basically shows no messages or what so ever from Mikey since they got to Australia and Luke shut up afterwards.

I, of course, feel bad after that and proceed to convince Luke that Ashton wouldn't do anything stupid, and even if he is (on his drunken state or whatever) Michael would be there to stop him, and I know for a fact that Keisha is a big Lashton shipper so she won't let Ashton do anything.

At least I think that.

A few moments later, Luke's nurse, Alison, came in with a bright smile on her face. I quiet like her really, she's really nice and she doesn't act like another nurse who' either

A. eye raping Luke because they know he's famous.


B. Shooting disgusted look at him for being gay and trying to kill himself.

I hate both type with a burning passion. But Alison is different, she's nice and genuine and he makes Luke feels comfortable so, yeah.

"Hey Luke, you're ready for your treatment?" She said with a bright smile on her face and Luke nod his head.

"Alright, we're get going then. And please, no cellphone Luke. Just hand that to Sasha okay?" Luke is hesitant to give me his phone, clearly still waiting for any text or even call from Ashton.

"It's okay Luke. Your treatment wouldn't take that long. You'll be free to talk to Ashton once you're finished okay?" Though his eyes seems unsure, he still hands his phone to me. I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"Alright, see you in another 2 hours and 35 minutes Luke. I love you."

Luke mumbled an "I love you too Sash" and let Alison wheeled him out of the room.

So.... now what?


It's been 20 minutes since Luke's gone for his treatment and I'm already bored out of my mind.

I'm used to do this with Michael.

I sigh and play with my phone, trying to kill some time. Why hasn't Calum and Lidia shown up yet?

When my phone shows an incoming call from Calum, I pick it up excitedly, finally someone to talk to!

"Hey Cal, where are you and Lidia? I'm so bored waiting for Luke to come back alone." I said with a frown.

"We're on our way. And Sash, did Luke have his phone with him?"

"No, I got his phone with me since he need to do his treatment. Why?" I ask him confused. Why did Calum ask such thing? It shouldn't matter if Luke has his phone with him right? Unless..

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