"Everyone, he's alive, I feel a pulse!"

The sound of an infant's wails brought me back to reality, the scene fading before my eyes as the sound of the baby crying got louder, the desperate attempts of the baby's young mother to calm her down unheard, drowned out by the baby's wails as her husband dug into a blue backpack, placing milk powder into a bottle along with hot water before he shook the bottle like his life depended on it. I looked away from the new family facing forward as I memorized what I was supposed to say. Two tubes of silver sulfadiazine cream, Reyna told me like she did as I ate breakfast, before I made my way to the hospital. Under Reyna Caro, third degree burn to the left leg, her voice chimed once again in my mind as the bickering lady who was practically shouting at the old man got dragged away by security slingers. I smiled as the long line finally moved forward, no one behind me. But as I waited in the line, my mind drifted back to the mission. The feeling of excitement and thrill as I took down guards, as I ran through the citadel. The danger that haunted my mind as we sprinted out. But as soon as I yearned it, guilt filled my heart as the memories of all those soldiers, with families, with husbands and wives and children, parents who grieve them everyday, all gone in an instant when the building crumbled on top of them. All because of the person that set off the bombs early. The Shane Gang had apologized publicly in a press conference while Leo was still unconscious, revealing the audio from the gang's security cameras to the public, revealing that their intentions were to draw everyone out before blowing up the ghouling depot, and Leo turned out to be okay, but that guilt still haunts me. Not being able to save someone, that happened before. But suffering all that, duelling Ataro's guards to free thousands of people, to free thousands of slugs?

It was worth it, despite how it felt after.

"Why do you need to go clothes shopping?" A voice asked in the distance, interrupting my thoughts, and I turned towards the voice, a small gasp exiting my lips as I realized who it was.

"Because you keep on wearing my clothes, and as much as I would love to take them off you, I can't be doing that all the time." Leo Shane teased Alana Caelum, both in disguise, disguised enough for people to think they looked like someone they knew, as they waited outside in the lobby outside the Bonnie Springs Pharmacy. Leo wore a white hoodie and grey sweatpants that covered his athletic body, one so many girls recognized him for, along with a pair of hipster glasses. His hair was styled in a different way, his chocolate brown hair drooping downwards. Alana wore a caramel brown wig to hide her cyan blue-streaked hair, along with an oversized, pastel pink hoodie and black jeans, and really, that was all she needed because people recognized her by her wild hair more often than her face. Leo leaned in to her, a flirtatious grin all over his expression.

"Unless you want me to, then what we'll need isn't at a clothing store." He flirted mischievously, the words barely audible. Her cyan blue eyes widened at his statement.

"Leo, we're in public!" She exclaimed, her cheeks tinted crimson red at his words. A few faces turned towards the two lovebirds, and Leo flashed a winning smile at them. Some of the girls that turned to look at him giggled and squealed, but I couldn't help but grin as Leo moved closer to Alana, giving her a kiss on the cheek, the girls looking away solemnly.

"No one recognizes us, baby, calm down." He reassured, and Alana smiled, whispering something in his ear causing him to grin uncontrollably. He turned slightly, his eyes meeting mine, and I quickly turned around, my back to them.

"You go ahead with Sam first, okay, love? I got unfinished business, I'll catch up. Promise." He asked her, and I froze, but I felt his eyes searing into my back.

"Thanks baby, love you." He bade goodbye, and I stiffened up in fear as his footsteps drew closer, the thought of him hating me for not being able to save him terrifying me.

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