Guild 7: Liberum-Spiritibus

Start from the beginning


Thulok: "What a tragedy. I hope to see Liberum-Spiritibus go far in the games. I have no doubt you will come back stronger!"

Evina: "If you ever need anything, just let me know! I hope to see your guild go far!"

Pimret: "Liber - ah - Lib - uh, Lib-nee- ay? Lib-er-oom? Lib-er-oom Spear-bus! Ha!" ***at this, both Thulok and Evina roll their eyes at Pimret*** 


Kean: "Your efforts to get your guild back on your feet, Zion Xian, will be the reason why your guild will not disappear from the pages of history."



Name: Abhiveer Duer (Ab-e-veer Durr)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: It isn't much of a stretch to say that Abhiveer is a scrawny boy who can't seem to look presentable. His blond hair tends to stick up in the air, and his bangs often fall in his bright blue eyes. However, despite the white and brown clothing he wears, he can't stop the edges becoming stained and frayed. Most remember him when he had tan skin, but since he was one of the few to survive the plague, he has sickly pale skin. He has scars all over his arms, legs, and stomach from boils; that is the reason he wears long sleeved shirts and pants all the time. His height, however, tends to steer people away from this fact as he is 5'3", and he is the shortest member who is in the Games.

 His height, however, tends to steer people away from this fact as he is 5'3", and he is the shortest member who is in the Games

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Personality: At first glance, you would see a irresponsible, awkward teenager. He often makes puns, and he is known to be incredibly clumsy during the worst of times. Abhiveer is the type of guy who tries his hardest to get what he wants, and he has a simple code: honesty and truth. Of course, he is loyal, but if something comes up, he is ready to break ties with that person. He almost died once already, and he realized that only trustworthy person deserve to be a part of his life. Not only that, but he knows that anything can get in the way of plans. He also tends to hide his insecurities from friends such as the boil scars, his lack of skill, and his fears. When around others, he acts like he did before the plague: happy, bumbling, and go-lucky. It isn't much of an act; it is more of a transition from childhood to adulthood.

Backstory: Like most, his father was a Warrior Sage, but that was something Abhiveer could never get used to. Naturally, his father wanted to teach his son how to use a sword, and Abhiveer became decent with it after several years. However, as time passed, his father changed. He became distant, greedy, and strange, but Abhiveer only noticed this in small doses. The boy was practicing his magic anyway. He had no time to figure out what was going on. Suddenly, the family gained money. Enough to last a lifetime. With his father joining a new guild, Liberum-Spiritibus, Abhiveer believed that it was just luck. Then, his father became fluent in an almost forgotten language called Malish, and Abhiveer and his sister picked up on the strange language.

Then, the plague hit, and his sister became sick. Boils covered her face and body, and she coughed up black slime. But then, all of the sudden, she was cured! But, Abhiveer became sick, and so did his father and mother. His father kept on apologizing to him, begging to be forgiven. Abhiveer believed that it was one of the rare symptoms: hallucinations. It was a miracle that Abhiveer survived, but miracles aren't for everyone. He was left alone with his sister, and he wanted to bury his parents. But, burning was the best bet; he didn't want to get infected again. He and his sister burnt the bodies, and it wasn't long until they searched the house for supplies.

That was where he found the lamp. It wasn't a kerosene lamp; it was one of those old lamps from ancient times. Long story short, a genji came out of the lamp demanding to be taken to the nearest tavern. His sister, being a non-magi, threw several rocks at the strange man. He was Neijel, a member of the guild whose lamp happened to be in the house.

How he joined the guild: Neijel then led them to the guild saying that Abhiveer should join, but the boy declined at first. However, they offered shelter and food for him and his sister. Plus, his genji said he had to keep the lamp on him. Sadly, for the genji, Abhiveer won't wish for anything. Maybe because of the consequences, or maybe because he just likes annoying Neijel. Perhaps it's both.

Magic: Shield Magic - Shield Wizard Magi. Abhiveer is a weaker magi, but that doesn't mean that he goes over his limits. He tends to use shields as more of an offense than a defense by creating a shield appear last minute. It is always the color gold, and his enemies are pushed back when the boy pushes the shield towards them. However, this way of fighting wears him down, so it is often to see him just using a sword or punching people instead.


Trieste Duer - She is his sister, and she is only twelve years old.

Neijel Eair - The genji.

His friends also consist of other guild members since many kids his age died in the plague.


Paladin Malik - The sun elf was the one who never trusted Abhiveer, and he made the boy go through quarantine for three months. His sister, however, had one week of quarantine.

Strengths: He is determined, honest, and lightens the mood most of the time. He also is incredibly skilled with improving and moving on his feet.

Weaknesses: He isn't an optimist, and he usually thinks the worst in people. Plus, it doesn't take much him to break loyalty. Another thing is that he is now very self conscious of his appearance (skin wise, anyway), and he is a complete germaphobe. It doesn't help that he isn't the best at magic. Finally, he has a weak leg due to the boils and infection that caused muscle damage.

Passions: He loves writing and history. He creates his own worlds whenever he writes, and with his curious nature, he wants to find out the mysteries of the past.

Dislikes: If it wasn't obvious, sickness and lies. One that isn't as obvious is that he hates crowds. The amount of people causes him to get lost, the amount of dirt and sickness spread, and the overwhelming amount of heat are the reasons why.

Goal in life: When he was younger, he wanted to find ancient artifacts and live in the country. Now, it seems like that dream is fading away as he is dragged in the Magi world.

Everyday life: If Neijel wasn't there, Abhiveer would certainly be reading or sleeping all day. Instead, the genji drags the boy to training and helps him with education. Neijel even helped Trieste get into a school that specializes in medicine.

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