Cancer X Pisces X Capricorn X Scorpio

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Alright. This one's going to be tricky, but I'll do my best.

Cancer's p.o.v

I was hanging out at my boyfriend Pisces' house. We were watching a movie and about half way through he got up to go to the bathroom. I continued watching the movie, but about a minute later his phone vibrated. I picked it up and saw that it was from some girl named Capricorn.

Hey, babe, watcha doing?

Babe. Babe? Babe!

Pisces came out of the bathroom.

"What is this?" I screamed and threw his phone at him.

"What is what?" He asks innocently.

"The messages from the girl Capricorn!"

"She's just a friend."

"Do friends call friends babe?"


"I can't believe I trusted you. Goodbye Pisces." I grabbed my stuff and slammed his door shut. I got in my car and drove over to my best friend Scorpio's house.

Pisces p.o.v

Damn. I messed up.

Pisces? R u there?

Yeah babe it's me.

Are you okay?


What happened?

My girlfriend Cancer found out I was cheating on her.

What?! Does that mean u were cheating on me?

No! I was cheating on her with u, but now we can be together forever.

I can't believe this! Goodbye Pisces. Don't ever speak to me again.


Capricorn has logged out.


Scorpio's p.o.v

I was sitting on my couch when I heard the door unlock and Cancer came in. She was crying.

"Cancer, what's wrong?" I said as I got up and hugged her.

"Pisces cheated on me." She said into my chest.

"Oh my god Cancer. I'm so sorry. With who."

"Some girl named Capricorn."

"Oh my god."

"What?" She said looking up at me.

"That's my sister."

"What?! I thought your sister was in France."

"She just came back three days ago."

"That asshole. She'll be fine though right?"


"What do you mean no?"

I sat down on the couch and so did she. "My sister is younger than I am, but when my dad left she took the lead. She was the closest to him and when he ran of with a slut and left my mom my mom completely shut down. Capricorn took the role as mom and dad because I was to sad to do anything. She worked double shifts, got food on the table, and cleaned the house."

"That doesn't sound so bad." She said.

"She was 14."


"And then when my mom died she was the one holding me as I cried my eyes out. She's the strong one, and I've never seen her cry. She just shutdown and never got angry, sad, or smiled. She just turned to stone. I'm scared that Pisces cheating on her and you is going to remind her of the night our dad left and she's going to do something irrational."

"Like what?"

"Kill herself."

And with that we jumped into my car and sped over to her apartment.

Capricorn's p.o.v

I grabbed the liquor and the pills. What's the point. I've dealt with the pain for so long. I just want to let go.

Someone burst into my apartment.

It was Scorpio and some girl.

"Capricorn!" He yelled and grabbed me before I could drink the alcohol with the pill. "What're'ya thinking?"

He made me spit out the pill and handed both the alcohol and the pill to the girl.

He pulled me into a hug.

"Don't ever do that again. Understand me. I don't know what'd I do without you."

That's when I started to cry. I let go of all the pain I'd been holding back for 7 years. I let go of my past, present, and future, in front of the person I should be protecting.

He pulled me onto the couch and got me some blankets.

"What's your name?" I asked the girl.

"Cancer. Pisces cheated on me with you."

"Oh. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better I dumped his sorry ass."

"I'm not worried about how I feel, I'm worried about you."

"Thanks Cancer." Her phone buzzed.

Hey Cancer.

Go away Pisces.

I just want to apologize.

Then do it.

I'm sorry, you can come over and we can have some fun (;

Scorpio grabbed her phone.

Cancer is no longer available. This is her new boyfriend Scorpio. If I ever see you talk, look, or breathe in her general direction I will cut off your legs and stuff them down your throat, same goes for Capricorn. Bye.

And with that he set her phone down. She looked at the texts.

"New boyfriend?" She asks.

"Yep." He says and kisses her. I'm glad to see my brother happy.

And that's the story of how Cancer and Scorpio got together and Cancer and Capricorn became best friends.

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