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You can totally skip this part if your too lazy to read my boring intro.

Thank you for at least acknowledging (don't know if I spelled that wrong probably did) and reading it. I'm planning on making more stories not sure if the chapters are gonna be this long because most of my chapters are over 800 words (a little almost half are over 1000)and if they aren't then they won't be less then 500 I aim for that goal but they might get shorter. I don't know if everyone prefers shorter or longer chapters so that's why it doesn't look like I have alot of parts I have 12 parts and will be making more ,but waiting for more people to read so I don't continually spam when no one even cares. And I know the format is weird it isn't like a book, but I find it more comfortable to right kind of like roleplay or things related to that. I would like to have some feedback on what I could do to make it more interesting or what I need to stop doing

December 22 2022- (I wrote this book 5 years ago when I was 13, this intro lowkey embarrassing 💀)

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