Chapter 14

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Author's Note: 

Wow, I haven't updated this story in a whole week. I've just been so busy, especially since I started a new story. I apologise if this chapter sucks, we were having a movie marathon and I'm still really tired. I hope you can forgive me for not updating in a while! 


Chapter 14: 

"Cato!" A soft voice calls in the distance. I raise my head slightly and gaze around the meadow, taking long breaths of the sweet scent of grass. Far away, in the horizon, stands the silhouette of three familiar figures. I squint against the sunlight, holding my hand up to block the sun from blinding my vision. I jump to my feet immediately and begin to sprint to where they are standing. 

I'm close now, only a few metres stand between the silhouettes and I. The smallest figure is none other than Xavier, grinning wildly at me. Beside him stands my mother, arms open for a hug.  

"Cato!" The last figure yells into my ear. Startled, I turn to face the figure and wait for my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight so that I can see their face. I can almost see who they are... 

"Cato! Finally, you're awake!" Clove yells, relieved to see me rubbing my eyes groggily. I look up at her sleepily and smile at her widely. 

"I was just resting my eyes." I reply to which she cracks a grin. My head begins to ache madly. I feel as if I'm forgetting something important.  

"Next time you decide to rest your eyes," she starts, rolling her eyes slightly, "make sure that you wake somebody up. Who knows what could happen in an arena as dangerous as this." 

Who knows what could happen in an arena as dangerous as this... 

The note! That's what I had forgotten! I need to protect Clove and there's only one way to do that. I have to pretend that this thing- whatever it is- between us doesn't exist. In other words, I have to pretend that I don't care.  

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I tell her, turning away to look for a certain person. As soon as I spot them I jog towards them quickly, leaving Clove standing where I left her with a sad look on her face. 

"Hey Glimmer!" I shout, causing her to look up and make eye contact with me. A bright smile lights up her face as I jog closer until we are only centimetres apart. "What are we planning to do today?" I ask curiously, ignoring the feel of Clove's eyes burning into the back of my head. 

"Well actually-" Glimmer says, pausing midway through her sentence at the sound of footsteps nearing our camp. Instinctively, I reach for my sword as Glimmer reaches for the bow and arrow that she managed to retrieve from the Cornucopia. We all brace ourselves as the footsteps become louder and louder. 

Wow... I thought that I lacked stealth

Eventually, a figure emerges from the trees, holding their hands up in surrender. I recognise him as the boy from 12. 

"Don't kill me! I can help you!" He shouts as we aim our weapons, ready to strike. 

"What do you mean 'help us'?" Clove asks, poised with her knives.  

"I can help you find Katniss Everdeen. I know her weaknesses and her strengths." He responds, immediately grabbing my attention.

I want you to kill Katniss Everdeen. 

The words echo in my head, causing a large headache to appear. What must I do to make the pain go away; to make everything alright? 

I want you to kill Katniss Everdeen. 

And suddenly, I know the answer. 

I want you to kill Katniss Everdeen. 

"Sure." I say, causing everybody's heads to turn in my direction. "What have we got to lose?" 

It's true though; only one of us can survive. The chances are that none of us will survive. What have we got to lose when we're destined to lose anyway? 

I am going to kill Katniss Everdeen.


Author's Note: 

Well, what'd you think? Bit short, init? *Horrible Histories quote!* 

Please vote and comment! Tell me what you think! :D 


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