Whouffle - Guitar

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Today had been slow. Clara and The Doctor didn't feel like going anywhere so they stayed in the TARDIS. It wasn't boring. There was plenty to do on the TARDIS. But Clara hadn't found The Doctor anywhere. She started looking that morning then gave up and went to the library and flicked through a couple books. After a couple hours of reading the curious feeling crept back to her. Setting down the book she was reading and walked around a little.

She walked past several doors, and was about to give up and go back to the library, when she heard the strum of a guitar coming from the door ahead. She carefully walked over as if even the smallest noise would disrupt it. Pressing her ear against the wooden door she could hear to muffle sound of a guitar and a voice. She sat down, her back against the door, she closed her eyes and was captivated by the rhythm of the song. Even though she couldn't make out the words, the melody of its voice was beautiful.

She stood up once the song had come to an end and slowly opened the door. Peaking her head in, she saw a tall man with floppy brown hair delicately strumming a wooden guitar.

"Clara?" He asked. She looked up and her large doe eyes met his eyes.

"S-sorry" She stuttered. "I heard a noise and I came to investigate" He nodded telling her it was fine. "C-can I listen?" She squeaked after an uncomfortable silence. He looked down and nodded. Clara smiled and sat down in front of him watching him tenderly.

"Well I actually wrote you a song" He said, a lot more confident then he felt. She grinned.

"Play it" She whispered. He gently strummed his guitar and sand softly.

I have died every day
Waiting for you
Darlin' don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

And all along I believed
I would find you
Time has brought
Your heart to me
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more.

He played the last note and it hung in the air. Clara's eyes watered.

"Clara, are you okay? I'm sorry if I upset you" The Doctor said urgently, quickly getting up and putting his guitar down. He sat down and pulled Clara on to his lap. Clara shook her head.

"No. I was just so ... beautiful" She said her voice shaking. A clear tear ran down her cheek and The Doctor brushed it off her face with a small smile. He softly kissed her forehead and her eyes closed.

"Clara, Oh Clara" He muttered. She laid her head on his chest. She listened to his slow and comforting heart beat and his soft breaths.

"I love you, Doctor" She whispered.

"I love you too" He whispered back. "With all 27 of my brains"

With a grin Clara pushed her head into his warmth, finally content.


Awwww! Whouffle is my OTP !

Btw the song that the Doctor sings is called A Thousand Years by Christiana Perri. I didn't put it on the side though because I put the song that inspired me to write this instead. It is Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner if you are on a mobile device! You should listen to it while you read!

Dedicated to Warjack_37 because he loves guitars!

Guitar plucking,

Camilla x

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