Chapter 2: Awkward...

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I slammed the door in frustration when I got home. 

How could that ignorant boy think that we were friends? 

"Samantha, is that you?" I heard my mom call from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and set my bookbag down on the counter. "Oh, Sweetheart! What happened to your face?" She rushed to the side and observed the mass murder of my nose. 

"Harry Styles happened, Mom. He's terrible! I thought the twins were bad enough. Who knew that so much immaturity could be in one person alone?" I asked incredulously. 

Mom's eyes grew big and she nodded her head towards the dining table. I looked over and saw none other than his mom. 

I gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of my head. "Oh, um, hello. I'm Sam." I held my hand out to her, and I felt just a little bit more than awkward. 

"Hello, dear. I'm Anne." She gave me a reassuring smile, and it calmed me down a bit. "So, you say that Harry did this to you? Let me see." 

I was hesitant in moving towards her, but I felt my legs moving in her direction. She lifted my chin to see it better. "Um, yeah, this is kind of awkward."

"I'm sorry, dear. It doesn't look broken. Just put some ice on it," she told me. 

"I'll go do that right now." I turned back to my mom. "I'll be in my room. Just call me down for dinner." I grabbed the icepack and tried to go to my room, but my mom stopped me by blocking the doorway. 

"No, you need to go get ready. We're all going over to the Wilson's house for dinner. Dan, Mr. Wilson, and Anne have a new business deal that they are going to be celebrating. It's formal wear, so please dress nicely," she begged with pleading eyes. 

"This is a joke, right?" I asked with a laugh. 

"I'm sorry, Samantha, but this means a lot to your step-father. It won't be that bad to sit through a dinner with all of us."

"Oh, but it will. Being in the same room as Harry and Jenna would just be torture." I looked over at Anne and gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry."

"It's quite alright." 

"Samantha, just go change please. I bought you that new dress last week. Why don't you wear that?" she suggested. 

"Do I really have to wear a dress?" I asked with a whine.

"Yes, now come on. I'll help you pick on out." She turned to Harry's mom before walking up the stairs. "I'll be down in a minute. Teenages." The two laughed, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Can't I just wear a romper or something?" I asked as I trudged up the stairs. 

"No, it's a formal dresscode!" she reminded me. 

"Since when was a business dinner in a family home formal?" I asked sarcastically. We walked into my room, and my mom went straight to my closet while I sat down on the edge of my bed. 

"How about this one?" she asked. She held out a dress that was loaded with sparkles, and it almost made me throw up. 

"Um, do you know me at all?" I asked her. 

"Then why do you have it?" she questioned. 

"I don't know. It was probably cute at the time that I bought it." I shrugged, and she rolled her eyes and continued her search. 

"This one?" It was a plain white one with a one shoulder strap. 

"I guess. Let's make this the least painful." 

"Now for the heels." 

"Oh, no, no, no! I will not wear heels!" I exclaimed. 

She sighed and gave in. "Fine, but atleast wear these flats." She held up lacy flats that had a bow on the front. 

I groaned in protest, but she shoved the outfit into my arms. "Go change. I'm going to see off Anne." 

She left the room, and I was alone to wallow in my own misery. 

"Oh, Sweetheart! You look so beautiful!" My mom ran over to me and made me do a little twirl for her. 

"That's funny because I feel like a clown," I snorted. 

"Samantha, just be happy that you have the money to get stuff like this," she said, apparently trying and failing to scold me. 

"I would be completely happy with having a job of my own and not getting allowance anymore, but you won't let me," I reminded her. 

"Well, Anne did mention that Harry works at a bakery, and they're hiring. I'd let you get a job there," she said. 

"No. I won't do. I'll babysit the boys or something, but I'm not working there," I told her.

"If you want spending money you will. I'll have Anne get the job for you later this month."

"Mom, are you trying to make me miserable?" I asked with hurt in my voice. 

"No, I'm trying to help you grow up. You're fifteen now, Samantha."

"I know, Mom. Let's just go," I said, trying to end the conversation. 

"Fine, go get in the car. I'll get the twins and find Dan." She went to search for the twins and her missing husband. 

I really wasn't looking forward to tonight. I could only hope that Jenna's older brother was home. 

Okay, I know it's crappy but I finished another chappie... See what I did there? I'm so poetic, it's fucking magnetic. Wow. I'm on a roll. I eat my cereal in a bowl. Damn. I'm good. 

Oh, God. I'm such a loser hahah :D!

Anyways, I hope you liked it. It's short I know, but yes, I'm suffering from writer's block. 

So, vote, comment, read it again if you want. Then eat a cupcake. They sound so good right now. Is it normal to have cravings like this?

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